Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Cornelius Herstatt

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Technische Universität Hamburg
Instituts für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
Research and Development
Ort / PLZ
21073 Hamburg
Schwarzenbergstr. 95
+49/(0)40 42878-3778
+49/(0)40 42878-2867


Editorial Books/Book Chapters

C. Herstatt: Virtuelle Kundeneinbindung in den frühen Innovationsphasen, in: H. Hinterhuber/K. Matzler (Hrsg.): Kundenorientierte Unternehmensführung, 6., überarbeitet Auflage, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2009

C. Herstatt: Innovationsmanagement, in: H. Corsten/R.Gössinger: Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 5. Auflage, München (Oldenbourg), 2008

R. Tiwari/S. Buse/C. Herstatt: "Mobile Services in Banking Sector: The Role of Innovative Business Solutions in Generating Competitive Advantage", in: A.K. Sohani and K.N. Rao (Eds.): Innovations in Banking: Some New Concepts and Cases, the Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. ISBN: 978-81-314-1471-2

R. Tiwari/S. Buse/C. Herstatt: From Electronic to Mobile Commerce: Technology Convergence enabls Innovative Business Services, in: S. Buse/R. Tiwari (Hrsg.): Perspektiven des Mobbile Commerce in Deutschland, Aachen (Shaker) 2008

C. Herstatt: Innovationsaudit, in: R.-D. Reineke/F. Bock: Gabler Lexikon Unternehmensberatung, Wiesbaden 2007

C. Herstatt: Innovationsprozess, in: R.-D. Reineke/F. Bock: Gabler Lexikon Unternehmensberatung, Wiesbaden 2007

F. Skiba/C. Herstatt: Lead Users for Radical Service Innovations, in: W. Kersten/T. Blecker/ C. Herstatt: Innovative Logistics Management, Berlin 2007 (Erich Schmidt Verlag)

S. Buse/S. Trapp/C. Herstatt: Innovationsaudits als Instrument der Unternehmens-planung in KMU, in: J.-A. Meyer (Hrsg.): Planung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, Köln 2007

C. Hipp/C. Herstatt: Service innovation, user involvement and intellectual property management. In: Edvardsson, B., Gustafsson A., Kristensson, P., Magnusson, P. and Matthing, J. (eds.): Involving Customers in New Service Development. London: Imperial College Press, 2007

C. Herstatt/B. Verworn: Bedeutung und Charakteristik der frühen Phasen des Innovationsprozesses, in: C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2007

C. Herstatt/C. Lüthje, C. Lettl: Fortschrittliche Kunden zu Breakthrough-Innova-tionen stimulieren, in: C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2007

B. Verworn/C. Herstatt: Strukturierung und Gestaltung der frühen Phasen des Innovationsprozesse, in: C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2007

C. Herstatt: Management der frühen Phasen von Breakthrough-Innovationen, in: C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2007

C. Hipp/C. Herstatt/E. Husmann: Besonderheiten von Dienstleistungsinnovationen – eine fallstudiengestützte Untersuchung der frühen Innovationsphasen, in C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2007

C. Herstatt: Lead User im Innovationsprozess, in: T. Sommerlatte/G. Beyer/G. Seidel: Innovationskultur und Ideenmanagement, Wiesbaden (symposium) 2006

J. Füller/C. Herstatt/R. Tietz: Expert Users and the Internet – How virtual communities can help to incorporate users for idea generation, in: T. Blecker/G. Friedrich/ L. Hvam/K. Edwards (Eds.): Customer Interaction and Customer Integration, Berlin 2006

Chr. Müller/C. Herstatt: Einflussfaktoren auf die Effizienz von FuE-Kooperationen in der Biotechnologie-Branche, in: M. Weissenberger-Eibl (Hrsg.): Gestaltung von

Herstatt: Kundendialog, in: Kukat, F. Beschwerdemanagement in der Praxis, Kundenkritik als Chance nutzen, Düsseldorf, 2005

C. Herstatt/C. Lüthje: Quellen für Neuproduktideen, in: S. Albers/O. Gassmann: Handbuch Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement, München (Gabler) 2005

W. Burr/C. Herstatt/G. Marquardt/S. Walch: Lizenzierung als Eintrittsstrategie in Internationale Märkte, in: J. Zentes/B. Swoboda: Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management (2. Auflage), Wiesbaden 2004

C. Herstatt/J. Sander: Virtuelle Communities, eine Einführung, in: C. Herstatt/ J. Sander (Hrsg.): Produktentwicklung mit virtuellen Communities – Kundenwünsche erfahren und Innovationen realisieren, Wiesbaden 2004

C. Herstatt/J. Sander: Online-Kundeneinbindung in den frühen Innovationsphasen, in: C. Herstatt/ J. Sander (Hrsg.): Produktentwicklung mit virtuellen Communities – Kundenwünsche erfahren und Innovationen realisieren, Wiesbaden 2004

K. Blind/J. Edler/U. Schmoch,/B .Anderson/J. Howells/I. Miles/J. Roberst/L. Green/R. Evangelista/C. Hipp/ C. Herstatt: Patents in the Service Industries. Report for the European Commission within the Science and Technology Indicators framework, Fraunhofer-ISI,
Karlsruhe, 2003

C. Herstatt/B. Verworn: Managing the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation, in: Probert et altera: Bringing Technology Management to Board Level, Palgrave McMillan, 2003

C. Herstatt/B. Verworn: Innovation process models and their evolution Innovation, in: Probert et altera: Bringing Technology Management to Board Level, Palgrave McMillan, 2003

C. Herstatt, C. Müller: Kooperationsmanagement in der Biotechnologie, in: Barske, H./Gerybadze, A./Hünninghausen, L./Sommerlatte, T. (Hrsg.): Das innovative Unternehmen, Wiesbaden, 2003

C. Lüthje/Herstatt/C. Lettl: Zukunftsorientierung und Kundenbezug im Innovations-prozess sichern: Der Einsatz der Lead User Methode zur Entwicklung neuartiger Medizinprodukte bei Ethicon, in: Piller, F./Stotko, C.: Mass Customization und Kundenintegration, Düsseldorf (symposium) 2003

C. Herstatt/B. Verworn: Die frühen Phasen des Innovationsprozesses, in: C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2003

C. Herstatt: Innovation durch Kompetenzbasierte Diversifikation – aus der Praxis, in: C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2003

C. Herstatt/B. Verworn: Prozessgestaltung der frühen Phasen, in: C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2003

C. Herstatt: Management der frühen Phasen von Breakthrough-Innovationen, in: C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, Wiesbaden (Gabler) 2003

C. Hipp/C. Herstatt/E. Husmann: Besonderheiten von Dienstleistungsinnovationen – eine fallstudiengestützte Untersuchung der frühen Innovationsphasen, in C. Herstatt/B. Verworn (Hrsg.): Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Grundlagen – Methoden - -Neue Ansätze, Wiesbaden (Gabler)

C. Herstatt/C. Müller: Innovationsprozesse, in: Möhrle,G./Specht,D.
(Hrsg.): Gabler Lexikon Technologiemanagement, Wiesbaden 2003

C. Hipp/C. Herstatt Innovationsmanagement bei Dienstleistungsunternehmen (erscheint in Barske, H./Gerybadze, A./Hünninghausen, L./Sommerlatte, T. (Hrsg.): Das innovative Unternehmen, Wiesbaden, 2002)

C. Herstatt: Suchfelder für radikale Innovationen mit Kunden erschliessen, in: Albers, Hassmann, Somm, Tomczak: Loseblattwerk „Verkauf“, 2002

C.Herstatt/C. Lettl: Durchbruchinnovationen gezielt fördern, in: Barske, H./Gerybadze, A./Hünninghausen, L./Sommerlatte, T.: Das innovative Unter-nehmen, Dezember 2001

C. Herstatt/C. Müller: Entwicklung on Innovationsstrategien für forschungs-getriebene Start-ups, in: Barske, H./Gerybadze, A./Hünninghausen, L./Sommerlatte, T.: Das innovative Unternehmen, Dezember 2001

C. Herstatt, C. Lüthje, B. Verworn: Die Gestaltung von Innovationsprozessen in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, in: Meyer, J.-A. (Hrsg.): Innovations-management in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, München 2001

Chr. Müller/C.Herstatt: Grundlagen eines projektorientierten Innovationscontrolling, in: Barske, H./Gerybadze, A./Hünninghausen, L./Sommerlatte, T.: Das innovative Unternehmen, Dezember 2001

C. Herstatt: Marktforschung für technologiegetriebene Innovationen, in: Barske, H./Gerybadze, A./Hünninghausen, L./Sommerlatte, T.: Das innovative Unter-nehmen, Mai 2001

C. Herstatt/C. Lettl: Management von technologiegetriebenen Entwicklungs-projekten, in Gassmann, O./Kobe, C./Voit, E. (Hrsg.): High Risk Projekte, Zürich 2001

C. Herstatt: Dialog mit Kunden und Lead User Management, in: Barske, H./Gerybadze, A./Hünninghausen, L./Sommerlatte, T.: Das innovative Unternehmen, Wiesbaden 1998

C. Herstatt: Benchmarking im Technologiemanagement, in: Tschirky, H./Koruna (Hrsg.): Technologiemanagement, Zürich 1998

C. Herstatt/E.v.Hippel: Developing New Products via the Lead User Method, in: Tushman, M./Anderson, P.: Managing Strategic Innovation and Change, Oxford (USA) 1998

C. Herstatt/G. Marquard/G .Dombach: Gestaltung internationaler Innovations-prozesse auf der Basis von Kernkompetenzen, in: Gassmann, O./v.Zedtwitz, M.: Internationales Innovations-Management, München 1996

C. Herstatt/K. Köpe: Visionsmanagement, in: Tschirky, H./Müller, R. (Hrsg.): Visionen realisieren, Zürich 1996

C. Herstatt: Stücklisten - Bisher nur wenig beachtete Einsparpotentiale, in: Management iO-Zeitschrift, (10) 1996

C. Herstatt: Der Standort Schweiz ist nach wie vor attraktiv, in: Management io Zeitschrift (7/8) 1996

C. Herstatt: Realisierung der Kundennähe in der Innovationspraxis, in: Tomczak, T./Belz, CHR. (Hrsg.): Kundennähe realisieren, St. Gallen 1994


Accepted papers

C. Raasch/C. Herstatt/ K. Balka, K.: The Open Source Model – Beyond software, Comparative case studies on the open design of tangible goods, R&D Management, forthcoming (2009)

M. Von Zedtwitz/D. Vries/C. C. Herstatt, C.: Establishing Foreign R&D Units: The Case of Small Multinational Corporations (sMNCs) in China, R&D Management, forthcoming (2009)

C. Hipp/C. Herstatt: Patterns of Innovation and Protection Activities within Service Companies - Results from a German Study on Service-Intensive Companies, in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), forthcoming (2009)

Refereed Journals (double-blind)

F. Skiba/C. Herstatt: Users as sources for radical innovations: Opportunities from collaborations with service lead users, in: International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2009

P. Spethmann/C. Herstatt/S. Thomke: The Impact of the Tool Crash Simulation on Productivity and Problem-Solving in Automotive R&D, in: International Journal of Product Development Management, Special Issue on "Automotive Product Development, Design and Engineering Process and Applications”, Vol. 8, No. 3 2009

B. Verworn/D. Schwarz/C. Herstatt: Changing workforce demographics: the strategies derived from the resource-based view of HRM, in: International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, Vol.9, Nos.2/3, 2009

F. Tietze/E. Reula/C. Herstatt: The relation of patent ownership and firm success: Cases from the LCD Flat-Panel-Display industry, in: International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2009

B. Verworn/ C. Herstatt/ A. Nagahira: The fuzzy front end of Japanese new product development projects: impact on success and differences between incremental and radical projects, in: R&D Management 38, 1, 2008

C. Stockstrom/ C. Herstatt: Planning and Uncertainty in New Product Development, in: R&D Management 38, 12, 2008

V. Braun/C. Herstatt: The Freedom-Fighters: Why incumbent corporations are attempting to control user-innovation, in: International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol.12, No. 3 (Sept, 2008)

C. Raasch/C. Herstatt: The dynamics of user innovation: Factors sustaining innovation activity, in: International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol.12, No. 3 (Sept, 2008)

V. Braun/C. Herstatt: Barriers to User-Innovation: Moving towards a Paradigm of “License to Innovate”, in: International Journal for Technology Policy and Management, Vol.7, No.3, 2007

C. Herstatt/F. Tietze/D. Probert/A. Nagahira: The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in Theory and Practice: A literature review and results from field research in Japan, in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), September 2007

C. Lettl/C. Herstatt/H.-G. Gemünden: User´s contributions to radical innovation: evidence from four cases in the field of medical equipment, in: R&D Management, Volume 36, June 2006

C. Herstatt/C.Stockstrom/B.Verworn/A. Nagahira: „Fuzzy Front End“ Practices in Innovating Japanese Companies, in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.3, No.1, 2006

C. Herstatt/A. Baumgarten: Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem lokalen Produkt-management bei der internationalen Markteinführung von neuen Produkten, Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung in der Konsumgüterindustrie, in: Zeitschrift für Organisation (ZfO), 2006

C. Lettl/C. Herstatt/H.-G. Gemünden: Learning from Users for Radical Innovations, in: International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 33, No.1, 2006

G. Trauffler/C. Herstatt/H. Tschirky: How to transfer discontinuous technology into radical innovation – Some evidence from three nanotech case, in: International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP), Vol.1, No.4, 2006

R. Tietz/P. Morrison/C. Lüthje/C. Herstatt: The process of user-innovation: A case study in a consumer goods setting, in: International Journal of Product Development Management, Volume 2, No. 4, 2005

C. Herstatt/K. Kalogerakis: How to use analogies to generate concepts for breakthrough innovations, in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Volume 2, No. 3, 2005

C. Lüthje/C. Herstatt/E. von Hippel: Minor bricolage innovation by users: The case of mountain biking, in: Research Policy (Volume 34), No. 6, 2005

B. Verworn/C. Herstatt: Die Hebelwirkung der frühen Innovationsphasen - Über den Erfolg neuer Produkte wird häufig früher im Innovationsprozess entschieden als vermutet, in: Wissenschaftsmanagement, 11. Jahrgang, Heft 2 , 2005

C. Lüthje/Herstatt: The Lead User method: Theoretical-empirical foundation and practical implementation, in: R&D Management 34, 5, (2004)

C. Herstatt/C. Lettl: Management of Technology Push projects, in: International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), Special Issue on Technology Marketing: Vol. 27 (Nos 2/3), 2004

C. Herstatt/B. Verworn/ A. Nagahira.: The Fuzzy Front End of Product Development: An Exploratory Study of Japanese Innovation Projects, in: International Journal for Product Development Management (IJPDM), Vol 1 (I) 2004

Chr. Müller/C. Herstatt/T. Fujiwara: Sources of Bioentrepreneurship: The Cases of Germany and Japan, in: Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM), Vol. 42, No. 1, 2004

C. Lüthje/C. Herstatt/C. Lettl: Knowledge Distribution among Experts: A closer look into the Efficiency of Information Gathering for Innovation Projects, in: International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 25/26, August, 2003

C. Herstatt: Search fields for radical innovations involving Innovation, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Volume 2 (I) 2002

C. Herstatt/H.Geschka: Need Assessment in Practice – Theory, Methods and Experiences, in: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Volume 2 (6) 2002

C. Herstatt/Chr. Mueller: Interfirm cooperation: a brief overview of current theoretical findings and issues for future research, in: International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, Volume 1, No.1, 2001

C. Herstatt/H.Geschka/D.Guggisberg/J. Geis: Innovationsbedarfserfassung in der Schweiz - Methoden, Erfahrungen und Tendenzen, in: Die Unternehmung (3) 1999

C. Herstatt/E.v.Hippel: From Experience: Developing New Product Concepts Via the Lead User Method: A Case Study in a „Low-Tech“ field, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management (9), 1992

C. Herstatt/T. Sommerlatte: F & E-Benchmarking, in: Die Unternehmung (3), 1995

International, Refereed Conferences

M. Grothe/C. Herstatt/H.-G. Gemünden: When Divisions Collaborate in the Front End of Innovation: Evidence from 110 Multidivisional Firms, Proceedings of AOM (Academy of Management Conference), Chicago August 10th, 2009

K. Balka, C. Herstatt, C. Raasch: Open Source beyond software: an empirical investigation of the open design phenomenon, R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Vienna, July 4-6, 2009

C. Raasch/C. Herstatt/T. Schweisfurth: The Emergence of User Entrepreneurship: Preconditions and Triggers, International User and Open Innovation Conference, Hamburg June 3-5, 2009

F. Skiba/C. Herstatt: Service Users as sources for Innovation, International User and Open Innovation Conference, Hamburg June 3-5, 2009

C. Raasch/C. Herstatt: Influencing user innovation activities – a microeconomic perspective and model, International User and Open Innovation Conference, Hamburg June 3-5, 2009

V. Lee/C. Herstatt/C. Raasch: Open source development – a bibliographical analysis, International User and Open Innovation Conference, Hamburg June 3-5, 2009

K. Balka/C. Raasch/C. Herstatt: Open source beyond software: An empirical investigation of the open design phenomenon, International User and Open Innovation Conference, Hamburg June 3-5, 2009

C. Raasch/C. Herstatt: Towards a dynamic theory of user innovation activities, Proceedings of the 16th IPDMC, Twente, June 6-8, 2009

C. Raasch/C. Herstatt/N. Abdelkafi: Open Source Innovation – Characteristics and Applicability Outside the Software Industry, European Academy of Management (EURAM), Conference Proceedings, Liverpool 11th-14th May, 2009

F. Kohlbacher/C. Herstatt: “Silver Products” Development: The Reality of R&D in Firms in Japan, R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Vienna, July 4-6, 2009

L. Janzik/C. Herstatt: Innovation Communities: Motivation and Incentives for Community Members to Contribute, Proceedings of ICMIT, 4th International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Bangkok September 24th 2008

K. Kalogerakis/ C. Lüthje, C. Herstatt/ M. Schulthess: The Value of Analogies in NPD - An empirical investigation of industrial designers, Proceedings of the International Product Development Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg June 29, 2008

F. Skiba/C. Herstatt: Integration of users as a source for radical service innovation, Proceedings of the International Product Development Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg June 29, 2008

C. Raasch/C. Herstatt/T. Blecker/N. Abdelkafi: Open source innovation – out of software?, Proceedings of the International Product Development Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg June 29, 2008

F. Kohlbacher/C. Herstatt: The Silver Market Phenomen – Implications for Product Development Management, Proceedings of the International Product Development Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg June 29, 2008

C. Stockstrom/C. Herstatt: Improving Innovation Management Practices: The Use of Experimentation, in: International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2008 Proceedings

C. Raasch/C. Herstatt/N. Abdelkafi: Creating Open Source Innovation .- Outside the Software Industry, in: Proceedings of Portland International Conference of Management Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Cape Town July 26 2008

R. Tietz,/C. Herstatt, How to build a Virtual Community – A Process Model, in: Proceedings of European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM 2007), Paris May 16-19, 2007

C. Stockstrom/C. Herstatt: Improving Innovation Management Practices: The Use of Experimentation, in: International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2008 Proceedings, Dubai April 10th 2008

C. Herstatt/F. Kohlbacher: Product Development for the Silver Market, in: International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2008 Proceedings, Dubai April 10th 2008

R. Tiwari/S. Buse/C. Herstatt: Innovation via Global Route: Proposing a Reference Model for Chances and Challenges of Global Innovation Processes, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Globally Distributed Work (ICMGDW 2007), Bangalore July 2007

C. Stockstrom/C. Herstatt: Planning and Uncertainty in NPD, in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Bremen, July 4-6, 2007

C. Herstatt/N. Lühring: Coordination of R+D-projects, in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Bremen, July 4-6, 2007

C. Herstatt/ F. Tietze/ P. Lorenzen: The Role Of The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) – Responsibilities, Skills & Qualifications, in: Proceedings of the 14TH INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Porto (Portugal), June 2007

R. Tiwari/S..Buse/C. Herstatt: Mobile Services in Banking Sector: The Role of Innovative Business Solutions in Generating Competitive Advantage, in: Proceedings of 8th International Research Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Quality Management, New Delhi February 2007

Baumgarten/C. Herstatt/C. Fantapié Altobelli: Organization of International Market Introduction: Can cooperation between central units and local product management influence success? In Proceedings of IAMOT International Conference on Technology and Innovation Management, May 20-23 2006

Herstatt/C. Stockstrom: 'NPD-Process Design and Project Planning in Japanese Engineering Companies – Evidence from an interview research', in: Proceedings of IFSAM VIIIth World Congress 2006, Berlin, Germany, September 28–30, 2006

M. von Zedtwitz/C. Herstatt/M. Lutz: Concepts and Influencing Factors fort he Interface design of R&D, in: in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Manchester, July 5-7, 2006

P. Spetmann/C. Herstatt/S. Thomke: The Impact of the Tool Crash Simulation on Productivity and Problem-Solving in Automotive R&D, in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Manchester, July 5-7, 2006

J. Sandau/C. Herstatt: Effectiveness of R&D project selection in uncertain environment: An empirical study in the German Automotive Supplier industry, in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Manchester, July 5-7, 2006

Nagahira/C. Herstatt/I. Suigiyai/et altera: Impact analysis of front end practices in innovative new product development in Japanese manufacturing companies, in: Proceedings of Portland International Conference of Management Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Istanbul, July 2006

M.v.Zedtwitz/C. Herstatt/D.De Vries: Strategy and establishment process of foreign invested R&D units of smaller companies in China – An empirical analysis, in: In Proceedings of IAMOT International Conference on Technology and Innovation Management, May 20-23 2006

V. Braun/C. Herstatt: Barriers to User-Innovation: The Paradigm of “Permission to Innovate”, in: IEEE-Conference on Technology and Innovation Management, Conference Proceedings, Singapore June 20-23 2006

C. Hipp/C. Herstatt: Patterns of innovation and protection activities within service companies, in: IEEE-Conference on Technology and Innovation Management, Conference Proceedings, Singapore June 20-23, 2006

R. Tiwari/S. Buse/ C. Herstatt: Customer on the Move: Strategic Implications of Mobile Banking for Banks and Financial Enterprises, in: Conference Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology, San Francisco, June 2006

B. Verworn/C. Herstatt: The impact of the “fuzzy front end” on new product development success in Japanese NPD projects, in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Manchester, July 5-7, 2006

F. Tietze/C. Herstatt/O. Granstrand: Stages in the Development towards an advanced Intellectual Property Management system, in: Proceedings of Portland International Conference of Management Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Istanbul, July 2006

R. Tiwari/C. Herstatt/S. Buse: Mobile Banking as Business Strategy: Impact of Mobile Technologies on Customer Behaviour and its Implications for Banks, in: in: Proceedings of Portland International Conference of Management Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Istanbul, July 2006

K. Kallogerakis/C. Herstatt/C. Lüthje: Generating innovations through analogies – An empirical investigation of knowledge brokers, in: Proceedings of 12TH INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Copenhagen, June 2005

R. Tietz/C. Herstatt: Taking advantage of Online Communities for generating Innovative Ideas, in: Proceedings of 12TH INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Copenhagen, June 2005

C. Herstatt/A. Hoffmann: Service Provider – Customer Interactions – Key to Success of Innovative Services, in: Proceedings of Portland International Conference of Management Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland, July 2005

J.-G. Sander/C. Herstatt: Management buyouts from the perspective of German financial investors, in: Proceedings of SMU-Edge Conference, Singapore, July 2005

C. Herstatt/: Users as Innovators and developers of radical innovation, for: Proceedings of the 20th Annual IMP Conference, September 2004, Copenhagen (Denmark)

C. Herstatt/B. Verworn/Chr. Stockstrom/A. Nagahira/O. Takahashi: „Fuzzy front end“ practices in innovating Japanese companies, in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Sesimbra (Portugal), July 8-10, 2004

C. Herstatt/K. Schild/Chr. Lüthje: How to use analogies for breakthrough innovation, in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Sesimbra (Portugal), July 8-10, 2004

C. Lüthje/C. Herstatt: The Lead User method: Theoretical-empirical foundation, key issues for research and practical implementation, in: R+D-Management, Conference Proceedings, Manchester (UK), July 8-10, 2003

B. Verworn/C. Herstatt: A Causal Model of the Impact of the “FUZZY FRONT END” on the Success of the New Product Development, in: Proceedings of the 10th Product Development Conference (EIASM), Brussels June 10-12, 2003

Chr. Mueller/C. Herstatt: R&D-partnerships: A process-oriented framework, in: Khalil, T./Lefebre, L. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Management of Technology, Miami 2000

C. Herstatt/Chr. Müller: Interfirm Cooperation: A Brief Overview of Current Theoretical Findings and Issues for Future Research (IAMOT-Conference Proceedings), Mai 1999

B. Verworn/C. Herstatt: Managing The „Fuzzy Front End“ of Innovation (IAMOT-Conference Proceedings), November 1999

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