Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen
Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität St. Gallen
Universität St. Gallen
Betriebswirtschaftliche Abteilung
Betriebswirtschaftliche Abteilung
Institut für Wirtschaft und Ökologie (IWÖ-HSG)
Institut für Wirtschaft und Ökologie (IWÖ-HSG)
Wirtschaft und Ökologie
Wirtschaft und Ökologie
Ort / PLZ
9000 St. Gallen
9000 St. Gallen
Tigerbergstrasse 2
Tigerbergstrasse 2
+41-71-224 25 87
+41-71-224 25 87
+41-71-224 27 22
+41-71-224 27 22
Känzig, J. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): The effect of life-cycle cost information on consumer investment decisions for eco-innovation. Journal of Industrial Ecology (forthcoming).
Hockerts, K. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Greening Goliaths versus Emerging Davids – Theorizing about the Role of Incumbents and New Entrants in Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, forthcoming.
Teppo, T. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Why Corporate Venture Capital Funds Fail - Evidence from the European Energy Industry, Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, forthcoming.
Bürer, M.J. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Which renewable energy policy is a venture capitalist's best friend? Empirical evidence from a survey of international cleantech investors. Energy Policy, forthcoming.
Burkhalter, A., Känzig, J. and Wüstenhagen R. (2009): Kundenpräferenzen für leistungsrelevante Attribute von Stromprodukten. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 33 (2), 161-172.
Christensen, E., Wuebker, R., Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Of Acting Principals and Principal Agents: Goal Incongruence in the Venture Capitalist-Entrepreneur Relationship. Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 7 (3): 367-388.
Kaenzig, J. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2008): Understanding the Green Energy Consumer: Evidence from Swiss Homeowners. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 4-2008: 12-16.
Wüstenhagen, R. and Sammer, K. (2007): Wirksamkeit umweltpolitischer Anreize zum Kauf energieeffizienter Fahrzeuge: eine empirische Analyse Schweizer Automobilkunden, Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung (Journal of Environmental Research), 18 (1): 61-78.
Wüstenhagen, R., Wolsink, M., Bürer, M.J. (2007): Social acceptance of renewable energy innovation: An introduction to the concept. Energy Policy 35 (5): 2683-2691.
Wüstenhagen, R. and Teppo, T. (2006): Do venture capitalists really invest in good industries? Risk-return perceptions and path dependence in the emerging European energy VC market. Int. J. Technology Management, 34 (1/2), 63-87.
Sammer, K. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2006): The Influence of Eco-Labelling on Consumer Behaviour – Results of a Discrete Choice Analysis for Washing Machines. Business Strategy and the Environment, 15, 185-199.
Wüstenhagen, R. and Bilharz, M. (2006): Green Energy Market Development in Germany: Effective Public Policy and Emerging Customer Demand. Energy Policy, 34, 1681-1696.
Moore, B. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2004): Innovative and Sustainable Energy Technologies: The Role of Venture Capital, Business Strategy and the Environment, 13, 235-245.
Wüstenhagen R. (2004): Umweltverträgliche Stromprodukte in Europa: Status und Schlüsselfaktoren der Marktentwicklung, in: ZfE - Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 28 (1), S. 17-26.
Wüstenhagen, R. (2003): Sustainability and Competitiveness in the Renewable Energy Sector: The Case of Vestas Wind Systems, Greener Management International, No. 44 (Winter 2003), pp. 105-115.
Wüstenhagen, R., Markard, J. and Truffer, B. (2003): Diffusion of green power products in Switzerland, Energy Policy 31, 621-632
Bird, L., Wüstenhagen, R. and Aabakken, J. (2002): A review of international green power markets: recent experience, trends, and market drivers, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2002, Pages 513-536.
Truffer, B., Markard, J., and Wüstenhagen, R. (2001): Eco-labeling of electricity – strategies and tradeoffs in the definition of environmental standards, Energy Policy, 29 (11), 885-897.
Jegen, M. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2001): Modernise it, sustainabilise it! Swiss energy policy on the eve of electricity market liberalisation, Energy Policy, 29 (1), 45-54.
Work in Progress
Litvine, D. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Helping “light green” consumers walk the talk: Results of a behavioural intervention survey in the Swiss electricity market (revise and resubmit).
Lüthi, S. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Effective Solar Energy Policies: Balancing Policy Risk and Return. (under review).
Heinzle, S. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Consumer survey on the new format of the European Energy Label for televisions - Comparison of a "A-G closed" versus a "beyond A" scale format (working paper).
Paschall, M. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): More than a Game: Learning about Climate Change Through Role-Play (under review).
Lüthi, S. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): The Price of Policy Risk – Empirical Insights from Choice Experiments with European Photovoltaic Project Developers (working paper).
Rennings, K., Brohmann, B., Heinzle, S., Schleich, J., Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): What’s driving sustainable energy consumption? A survey of the empirical literature (under review).
Postdoctoral Research Thesis (Habilitation)
Wüstenhagen, R.: Venturing for sustainable energy, cumulative postdoctoral research thesis, University of St. Gallen 2007.
Edited Books
Wüstenhagen, R., Wuebker, R. (eds., 2010): Handbook on Research in Energy Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK and Lyme US (forthcoming)
Wüstenhagen, R., Hamschmidt, J., Sharma, S., Starik, M. (eds., 2008): Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing, New Perspectives in Research on Corporate Sustainability series, Vol. 5, Cheltenham UK and Lyme US.
Wüstenhagen, R.: Ökostrom - von der Nische zum Massenmarkt [Green electricity – from niche to mass markets]. Entwicklungsperspektiven und Marketingstrategien für eine zukunftsfähige Elektrizitätsbranche, vdf-Verlag, Zürich, zugl. Dissertation, Universität St. Gallen 2000.
Villiger, A./Wüstenhagen, R./Meyer, A.: Jenseits der Öko-Nische [Beyond the eco-niche]. Birkhäuser: Basel, Boston, Berlin 2000. (Synthesis Book within the Priority Programme Environment of the Swiss National Science Foundation).
Edited Special Issues
Wüstenhagen, R., Menichetti, E. (2010): Understanding Strategic Choices for Renewable Energy Investment, Special Issue, Energy Policy (forthcoming)
Belz, C., Herhausen, D., Wüstenhagen, R. (2008): Grüne
Kunden, Marketing Review St. Gallen, Heft 4/2008.
Wüstenhagen, R., Wolsink, M., Bürer, M.J. (2007): Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Innovation, Special Issue, Energy Policy 35 (5).
Book Chapters
Wüstenhagen, R., Schelling, G. (2010): International marketing for renewable energy: Business-to-business and business-to-government, in: Bauer, A., Franch, J., Rudolph, T., Schlegelmilch, B. (eds.): Marketing Challenges in a Diverse European Market – Text and Cases. Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden (forthcoming).
Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Rolf Disch's «Solarsiedlung am Schlierberg». A Solar Housing Estate in Freiburg - from Architectural Vision to Entrepreneurial Reality, in: Lahlou, S.: System Innovation for Sustainability 2: Sustainable Consumption and Production - Energy use in Housing. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing Ltd., forthcoming.
Wüstenhagen, R., Wuebker, R., Bürer, M.J., Goddard, D. (2009): Financing fuel cell market development: Exploring the role of expectation dynamics in venture capital investment, in: Pogutz, S., Russo, A., Migliavacca, P. (eds.): Innovation, Markets, and Sustainable Energy: The Challenge of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham (UK) and Lyme (US), pp. 118-137.
Wüstenhagen, R., Sharma, S., Starik, M., Wuebker, R. (2008): Sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship: introduction to the volume, in: Wüstenhagen, R., Hamschmidt, J., Sharma, S., Starik, M.: Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-23.
Bürer, M.J./Wüstenhagen, R. (2008): Cleantech Venture Investors and Energy Policy Risk: An Exploratory Analysis of Regulatory Risk Management Strategies, in: Wüstenhagen, R., Hamschmidt, J., Sharma, S., Starik, M.: Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 290-309.
Wüstenhagen, R./Boehnke, J. (2008): Business Models for Sustainable Energy, in: Tukker, A., Charter, M., Vezzoli, C., Sto, E., Andersen, M.M. (eds.): System Innovation for Sustainability 1. Perspectives on Radical Changes to Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing Ltd., pp. 85-94.
Truffer, B., Markard, J., and Wüstenhagen, R. (2007): Eco-labeling of electricity – strategies and tradeoffs in the definition of environmental standards, in: Teisl, M. (ed.): Labelling Strategies in Environmental Policy, Aldershot UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., pp. 353-366. (reprinted from 2001 article in Energy Policy)
Sammer, K./ Wüstenhagen, R. (2006): Der Einfluss von Öko-Labelling auf das Konsumentenverhalten – ein Discrete Choice Experiment zum Kauf von Glühlampen, in: Pfriem, R. et al.: Innovationen für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, pp. 469-487.
Wüstenhagen, R. (2006): Sustainability and Competitiveness in the Renewable Energy Sector: The Case of Vestas Wind Systems, in: Wagner, M./Schaltegger, S. (Eds.): Managing the Business Case for Sustainability. The Integration of Social, Environmental and Economic Performance, Sheffield: Greenleaf (simultaneously published in Greener Management International).
Dyllick, T./Wüstenhagen, R. (2006): Markteintritt der Discounter: Wo bleibt die Ökologie?, in: Rudolph, T./Schweizer, M.: Das Discount-Phänomen. Eine 360-Grad-Betrachtung. Zürich: Verlag NZZ, pp. 155-160.
Strothotte, T.G. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2005): Structure of Sustainable Economic Value in Social Entrepreneurial Enterprises, in: Vinig, G.T./Van der Voort, R.C.W. (eds.): Research on Technological Innovation and Management, Volume 9 - The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Economics, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 129-140.
Wüstenhagen, R./Bird, L./Aabakken, J. (2003): Success Factors in International Green Power Markets, in: Lewis, P. (ed.): Competitive Energy & Utilities Marketing, Vaasa/Stockholm: Energyforum.
Wüstenhagen, R./Villiger, A./Meyer, A.: Bio-Lebensmittel jenseits der Öko-Nische [Organic Food beyond the Eco-Niche], in: Schrader, U./Hansen, U. (eds.): Nachhaltiger Konsum – Forschung und Praxis im Dialog, Campus Verlag: Frankfurt/Main 2001, pp. 177-188.
Janssen, J./Wüstenhagen, R.: Green Electricity Marketing and Kyoto Mechanisms: an Innovative Market-Based Package to Support the Take-Off of Renewables, in: Sayigh, A.A.M. (ed.): Renewables: The energy for the 21st century, Pergamon: Amsterdam 2000.
Selected Conference Papers
Lüthi, S., Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): The Price of Policy Risk – Empirical Insights from Choice Experiments with European Photovoltaic Project Developers, paper presented at the IAEE European Conference, Vienna, September 7-10, 2009.
Menichetti, E., Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Renewable Energy Policy Risk and Investor Behavior in Europe: Design of a Conjoint Experiment, paper presented at the DISTRES Final Conference, 11-12 December 2009, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Brohmann, B., Heinzle, S., Nentwich, J., Offenberger, U., Rennings, K., Schleich, J., Wüstenhagen, R. (2009): Sustainable energy consumption and individual decisions of consumers, paper presented at the 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), Ljubljana, July 2009.
Lüthi, S., Wüstenhagen, R. (2008): Empowering the solar energy prosumer – effectiveness of PV policies in Spain, Greece and Germany, paper presented at the SCORE Conference on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 10-11 March 2008, Brussels, Belgium.
Känzig, J., Wüstenhagen, R. (2008): The effect of life-cycle cost information on consumer investment decisions for eco-innovation, paper presented at the SCORE Conference on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 10-11 March 2008, Brussels, Belgium.
Burkhalter, A., Känzig, J., Wüstenhagen, R. (2007): Kundenpräferenzen für Stromprodukte – Ergebnisse einer Choice-Based Conjoint-Analyse. Beitrag zur VHB-Herbsttagung „Umweltwirtschaft –international, interdisziplinär und innovativ“, 3.-5. Oktober 2007 an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.
Boehnke, J., Wüstenhagen, R. (2007): Business Models for Distributed Energy Technologies –Evidence from German Cleantech Firms, paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA, August 2007.
Christensen, E., Wüstenhagen, R. (2007): Goal Incongruences in the Venture Capitalist - Entrepreneur Relationship - Insights from a Case Study in the European Energy Technology Sector, Paper presented at the 5th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER 2007) Montpellier, France, Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2007.
Wüstenhagen, R./Boehnke, J./Känzig, J. (2006): Micropower in residential buildings - an analysis of customer preferences and business models, in: Erdmann, G. et al. (eds.): Securing Energy in Insecure Times, Proceedings of the IAEE International Conference, Potsdam, June 7-10, 2006
Sammer, K. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2005): Using Discrete Choice Modelling to analyze the relative importance of brands and eco-labels for household appliances and cars. Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Responsible Management in an Uncertain World, 4-7 May 2005, Technische Universität München.
Moore, W.H. and R. Wüstenhagen (2004): Energy Technology IPO's: Linking Financial Markets and Sustainable Development, Paper presented at The Greening of Industry Network Conference, Hong Kong, November 7-10, 2004.
Wüstenhagen, R. and Teppo, T. (2004): Venture capital investment in sustainable energy technologies: Factors determining the emergence of a new market, presented at the International Conference “Innovation, Sustainability and Policy” of the riw Network, May 23-25, 2004, Kloster Seeon, Germany.
Teppo, T. and Wüstenhagen, R. (2004): Corporate Venture Capital in the Energy Sector: A key driver for commercializing sustainable technologies?, presented at the Research Workshop on Organisations and the Natural Environment, Granada (Spain), April 22-23, 2004.
R. Wüstenhagen, Meyer, A., Villiger, A. (2003): The Sustainability Roadmap – a tool to analyse the transition from eco-niche to mass market, Paper presented at The Greening of Industry Network Conference San Francisco, California, October 12-15, 2003
Wüstenhagen, R. (2003): A review of international green power markets: From niche to mass market, presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Professors of Management (VHB), University of Zurich, June 10-13, 2003.
Wüstenhagen, R./Bird, L./Aabakken, J. (2002): Zelená elektrina na liberalizovaných trzích v Evropì: marketingová prílezitost pro obchodníky a/nebo státní politika?, in: SEVEn (Eds.): Energy Efficiency Business Week 2002, Proceedings, Prague, November 5-7, 2002.
Van Vliet, B./Wüstenhagen, R./Chappells, H.: New Provider-Consumer Relations in Electricity Provision. The Cases of Green Electricity Schemes in the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany. in: Proceedings of the Business Strategy & the Environment Conference, Leeds, 18-19 September 2000.
Wüstenhagen, R.: Green electricity in Switzerland: A mere eco-niche or the first step towards a sustainable energy market at large?, in: International Association for Energy Economics (ed.): Energy Markets: What's New?, Proceedings of the 4th European IAEE/GEE Conference, Berlin, 9-10 September 1998.
Discussion Papers and Project Reports
Brohmann, B., Heinzle, S., Rennings, K., Schleich, J., Wüstenhagen, R. (2009). What’s driving sustainable energy consumption? A survey of the empirical literature. ZEW Discussion Paper, Mannheim: Centre for European Economic Research.
Bürer, M.J./Wüstenhagen, R. (2005): The Role of Government in Supporting the Emergence of Clean Energy Venture Capital Investing in Switzerland, Project Report on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Bern/St. Gallen, November 2005.
Iten, R./Hammer, S./Sammer, K./Wüstenhagen, R. (2005): Evaluation energieEtikette - Massnahmen zur Absenkung des Flottenverbrauchs, Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Energie, Bern/Zürich/St. Gallen, Mai 2005.
Iten, R./Menegale, S./Hammer, S./Sammer, K./Wüstenhagen, R. (2005): Evaluation energieEtikette für Haushaltgeräte, Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Energie, Bern/Zürich/St. Gallen, April 2005.
Bird, L./Wüstenhagen, R./Aabakken, J. (2002): Green Power Marketing Abroad: Recent Experience and Trends, NREL TP-620-32155, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden/Colorado. (shortened and revised version published in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews)
Spreng, D./Truffer, B./Wüstenhagen, R.: Perspektiven für die Wasserkraftwerke der Schweiz: Die Chancen des Ökostrommarktes, Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Energie, Zürich: CEPE, 2001.
Wüstenhagen, R./Dyllick, T. (Hrsg.): nachhaltige marktchancen dank dezentraler energie? ein blick in die zukunft der energiedienstleistung, IWÖ-Discussion Paper Nr. 72, Universität St. Gallen, Januar 1999.
Wüstenhagen, R.: Greening Goliaths versus Multiplying Davids: Pfade einer Coevolution ökologischer Massenmärkte und nachhaltiger Nischen, IWÖ-Discussion Paper Nr. 61, Universität St. Gallen, Juli 1998.
Pichel, K./Gminder, U./Orlowski, F./Reinhold, C./Wüstenhagen, R.: Betriebliches Umweltmanagement. Beispiele der Anwendung und didaktische Umsetzung durch ÖBWL an der TU Berlin (Jahresbericht 94/95), Discussion Paper 1996/08 der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Dokumentation der TU Berlin.
Hennicke, P./Leprich, U./Thomas, S. with support by Borchers, H./Wüstenhagen, R.: Rational Planning Techniques (RPT): A tool to enhance energy efficiency?, Report to the European Parliament, Wuppertal, April 1996.
Wenzl, P. F./Wüstenhagen, R.: Länderübergreifende ökologische Energiekonzeption für die Region Böhmen-Sachsen-Niederschlesien (LÖEK), Methodikbericht, Zustandsbericht, Ergebnisbericht, Berlin, Dezember 1994.
Wüstenhagen, R.: Case Study for Electrical Energy Conservation in the Czech Dairy Industry - Evaluation of Demand Side Management Measures, Prague, June 1994.
Witt, J./Wüstenhagen, R.: Handbuch Kostengünstige Nahwärmeversorgung in Neubaugebieten, im Auftrag des Landes Brandenburg, Dezember 1993.
Proprietary Reports
Moore, W.H. and R. Wüstenhagen (2004): Unaxis Goes Solar: A Market Feasibility Study for Unaxis Displays - SBU Solar, St. Gallen, July 2004.
Wüstenhagen, R.: Thin-Film Photovoltaics for Terrestrial Applications: State of the Art & Investment Opportunities. SAM Sustainable Asset Management, Zollikon-Zurich, February 2003.
Wüstenhagen, R.: Stirling Engines: State of the Art & Investment Opportunities. SAM Sustainable Asset Management, Zollikon-Zurich, July 2001.
Pfeuti, R./Flatz, A./Moor, M./Wüstenhagen, R./Zamboni, M.: Changing Climate in the Energy Sector – a new Wave of Sustainable Investment Opportunities Emerges. SAM Sustainable Asset Management, Zollikon-Zurich, March 2001.
Selected other Publications
Burkhalter, A., Känzig, J., Wüstenhagen, R. (2007): Kunden wünschen erneuerbare Energien, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nr. 235, 10.10.2007, p. 19. (reprinted in: Bulletin SEV/VSE 10/2008, Oekoskop 2/08)
Wüstenhagen, R. (2007): Warum Kernkraftwerke nicht alle unsere Probleme lösen. Der Wirtschaftsfaktor «erneuerbare Energien» gewinnt an Bedeutung – auch in der Schweiz, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nr. 48, 27.02.2007, p. 15.
Wüstenhagen, R. (2006): Energy – the Forgotten Megatrend in Business School Research, Business Strategy and the Environment, 15, pp. 289-291.
Wüstenhagen, R. (2005): Venture Capital Funding and Sustainability Innovation: Far from Irrational Exuberance, in: Oekologisches Wirtschaften, 2/2005.
Wüstenhagen, R. (2004): Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation aus Sicht der Managementlehre, in: Bulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes- & Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW), 4/2004, S. 29.
Wüstenhagen, R. (2003): Von der Öko-Nische zum Massenmarkt, illustriert am Beispiel der Energiebranche, in: UWF UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 11. Jahrgang, Heft 1, März 2003, S. 27-31.
Wüstenhagen, R. (2002): Sustainable Energy Technologies – Swiss made, in: Business Guide to Switzerland, S. 200-201.
Wüstenhagen, R. (2002): Sustainable Energy attracts venture capitalists, in: Guardian Unlimited, July 3, 2002,3604,748082,00.html
Wüstenhagen, R.: Dezentrale Energiesysteme, in: Umwelt Focus 4/99, August 1999, S. 14-15.
Wüstenhagen, R./MEYER, A./VILLIGER, A.: Die "Landkarte des ökologischen Massenmarktes", in: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, Vol. 1/99, pp. 27-29.
Wüstenhagen, R.: Ökostrom-Marketing zwischen Nische und Massenmarkt, in: Bulletin SEV/VSE Nr. 22/99, S. 27-32.
Wüstenhagen, R.: Auswirkungen des Umweltschutzes auf den Innovationsprozeß, ÖBWL-Diskussionspapier Nr. 4, Berlin (TU), April 1995. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.