Prof. Markus Vodosek

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Academic Director MBA
Technische Universität München
Strategisches Management und Führung
Interpersonal relationships in teams and organizations
conflict management
cultural diversity
social networks in organizations
Ort / PLZ
74072 Heilbronn
Bahnhofstraße 1
07131 645636-32


Representative Publications

Vodosek, Markus & Charla Brown (under review), Managing Growth at Business case and teaching note, Case Research Journal.

Vodosek, Markus (2010), Relational Models in Cross-Cultural Collaboration, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration.

Vodosek, Markus & Kyle MacDonald (2010), One Paperclip. Negotiation exercise and teaching note. In 2010 Negotiation, Teamwork, and Decision Making Exercises, Evanston, IL: Dispute Resolution Research Center and Kellogg Team and Group Center at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.

Vodosek, Markus (2009), The Correspondence Between Relational Models and Individualism and Collectivism: Evidence from Culturally Diverse Work Groups, International Journal of Psychology, 44, 120-128.

Vodosek, Markus (2007), Intragroup Conflict as a Mediator Between Cultural Diversity and Work Group Outcomes, International Journal of Conflict Management, 18, 345-375.

Vodosek, Markus (2000), Relational Models and Their Effects on Relationship, Process, and Task Conflict in Work Groups. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meetings, Toronto, Canada, OB: J1-J6.

Vodosek, Markus & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe (1999), Overemphasis on Analysis: Decision Making Dilemmas in the Age of Speed.” In Robert E. Quinn, Regina M. O’Neill, & Linda St. Clair (Eds.). Pressing Problems in Modern Organizations, pp. 153-174. New York: AMACOM.

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