Prof. Dr. Thomas Siedler

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | FB VWL
insbesondere Mikroökonometrie
Labor Economics
Health Economics
Family Economics
Ort / PLZ
20146 Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 5


Selected Publications

One last Puff? Public Smoking Bans and Smoking Behavior
Journal of Health Economics
(2011), 30(3), 591-601, with Silke Anger and Michael Kvasnicka

Parental Unemployment and Young People's Right-Wing Extremism and Xenophobia
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A.
(2011) 174(3), 737-758.

Schooling and Citizenship in a Young Democracy: Evidence from Post-War Germany
Scandinavian Journal of Economics
(2010), 112(2), 315-338.

The Effect of Lone Motherhood on the Smoking Behaviour of Young Adults
Health Economics
(2010), 19(11), 1377-1384, with Marco Francesconi and Stephen Jenkins

Childhood Family Structure and Schooling Outcomes: Evidence for Germany
Journal of Population Economics
(2010), 23(3), 1201-1231, with Marco Francesconi and Stephen Jenkins

Measuring People's Trust
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A
(2009), 172(4), 749-769, with John Ermisch, Diego Gambetta, Heather Laurie and Noah Uhrig

Does Democracy foster Trust?
Journal of Comparative Economics
(2009), 37(2), 251-269, with Helmut Rainer

The Role of Social Networks in Determining Migration and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the German Reunification
Economics of Transition
(2009), 17(1), 739-767, with Helmut Rainer

O Brother, Where Art Thou? The Effect of Having a Sibling on Geographic Mobility and Labour Market Outcomes
(2009), 76(303), 528-556, with Helmut Rainer

Subjective Income and Employment Expectations and Preferences for Redistribution
Economics Letters
(2008), 99(3), 449-453, with Helmut Rainer

Intergenerational Mobility and Marital Sorting
Economic Journal
(2006), 116(July), 659-679, with John Ermisch and Marco Francesconi

Teile diesen Professor

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