Prof. Dr. Thomas Falk
Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
EBS Business School
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
EBS Business School
Department of Marketing
Department of Marketing
Konsumentenverhalten und Marketing
Konsumentenverhalten und Marketing
consumer behavior
service management
multichannel management
consumer behavior
service management
multichannel management
Ort / PLZ
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
Rheingaustrasse 1
Rheingaustrasse 1
+49 611 7102 1469
+49 611 7102 1469
+49 611 7102 10 1469
+49 611 7102 10 1469
Tätigkeit an Business Schools
Publications in Refereed Journals
Heidenreich, S., Wittkowski, K., Handrich, M., & Falk, T. (2014). The dark side of customer co-creation: Exploring the consequences of failed co-created services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (conditionally accepted).
Bergner, K. N., Falk, T., Heinrich, D., & Hölzing, J. (2013). The effects of DTCA on patient
compliance: exploring the impact of endorser selection and message tonality on patients with diabetes. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 7(4), 391-409.
Schepers, J. J. L., Falk, T., De Ruyter, K., De Jong, A., & Hammerschmidt, M. (2012). Principles and principals: Do customer stewardship and agency control compete or complement when shaping frontline employee behavior. Journal of Marketing, 76 (6), 1-20.
Hammerschmidt, M., Falk, T., & Staat, M. (2012). Measuring and improving the performance
of health care networks. Journal of Service Research, 15(3), 343-357.
Falk, T., Hammerschmidt, M., & Schepers, J. J. L. (2010). The service quality-satisfaction link
revisited: An asymmetric and dynamic perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, 38 (3), 288-302.
Falk, T., Schepers, J. J. L., Hammerschmidt, M., & Bauer, H. H. (2007). Identifying cross
channel dissynergies for multichannel service providers. Journal of Service Research,10(2),143-160.
Weijters, B., Rangarajan, D., Falk, T., & Schillewaert, N. (2007). Determinants and outcomes
of customers\' use of self-service technology in a retail setting. Journal of Service Research,210(1), 3-21.
Bauer, H. H., Falk, T., & Hammerschmidt, M. (2006). eTransQual: A transaction processbased approach for capturing service quality in online shopping. Journal of Business Research, 59(7), 866-875.
Bauer, H. H., Hammerschmidt, M., & Falk, T. (2005). Measuring the quality of e-banking portals – an empirical investigation. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 23(2), 153-175.
Articles under Review
Hammerschmidt, M., Weijters, B., Falk, T., & Rangarajan, D. (2012). The channel multiplicity
challenge: Aligning service channels. Journal of Service Research.
Conference Contributions
Mrozek, A., Falk, T., Kunz, W., & Schepers, J. J. L. (forthcoming). The color of money – towards the influence of payment methods and basket price judgments on the overall storeprice image. 43rd EMAC Conference 2014,Valencia.
Krämer, T., Gouthier, M., & Falk T. (2013). Organizational pride - how it is created and how it
shapes frontline employee performance. 2013 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Boston, USA.
Mrozek, A., Falk, T., & Kunz, W. (2013). The shape of money - how the purchase phase
affects the shoppers’ overall store price image. 2013 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’
Conference Proceedings, Boston, USA.
Mrozek, A., Falk, T., & Kunz, W. (2013). Mobile money – the influence of the payment
method on overall store price image and willingness to pay. Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
Mrozek, A., & Falk, T. (2013). Pricing strategies for low priced product launches: How firms
can overcome the entrant’s dilemma. 2013 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference
Proceedings, Las Vegas, USA.
Mrozek, A., & Falk, T. (2012). The entrant’s pricing dilemma: Linking low price entry
strategies to aggressive price responses by incumbents. 2012 AMA Summer Marketing
Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Chicago, USA.
Bergner, K., Bauer, H. H., Falk, T. Hoelzing, & Doleschal, L. (2012). Person-based
testimonials and message tonality – implications for effective health communications.
Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
Bergner, K., Bauer, H. H., Falk, T., Hoelzing, J., & Czernetzki, J. (2012). Stimulating patient
compliance via self-service technologies. 2012 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, St. Petersburg, USA.
Bergner, K., Bauer H. H., Falk, T., Hoelzing, J., & Rothmann, K. (2011). Spillover effects
between corporate brand and sub-brands – the influence of brand personality. Proceedings of the 40th EMAC Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Hammerschmidt, M., Falk, T., Schepers, J. J. L., & Scheer, L. K. (2011). Exploring spillover
effects of post-sale services in vertical service delivery networks. 2011 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings (Honored with the Sales, CRM, and Business to Business-Track Best Paper Award), Austin, USA.
Jueliger, M., Hammerschmidt, M., Falk, T., De Ruyter, K., & Wetzels, M. (2010). Engineering
a special experience to revamp consumer brand relationships: A longitudinal examination.
2010 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference Proceedings, Cologne, Germany.
Schepers, J. J. L., De Jong, A., Falk, T., Hammerschmidt, M., & De Ruyter, K. (2010). Service bureaucrat or champion? Exploring control mechanisms to guide frontline employee behavior. 2010 AMA SERVSIG International Service Research Conference Proceedings, Porto, Portugal.
Hammerschmidt, M., Falk, T., Germann, F. T., Ross, W. T., & Bauer, H. H. (2010). Exploring the brand productivity gap. 2010 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings (Honored with the Overall Best Paper Award), New Orleans, USA.
Hammerschmidt, M., Falk, T., Donnevert, T., & Bauer, H. H. (2009). Win-win or win-lose? Exploring failure and recovery episodes in consumption systems. Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Conference, Nantes, France.
Schepers J. J. L., Falk, T., & Hammerschmidt, M. (2008). The impact of electronic service quality on customer satisfaction over time. 2008 Society for Marketing Advances Conference Proceedings, St. Petersburg, USA.
Hammerschmidt, M., Donnevert, T., Falk, T., Bauer, H. H., & Moser, M. (2008). Making a virtue of necessity – how firms can benefit from product failures. 2008 AMA Summer Educators Conference Proceedings, San Diego, USA.
Falk, T., & Hammerschmidt, M. (2008). No more equal slices – getting more out of your
service efforts. Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, UK.
Hammerschmidt, M., Falk, T., & Schepers, J. J. L. (2006). Identifying cross-channel dissynergies for multi-channel service providers. Proceedings of the XXVIII Marketing Science Conference, Pittsburgh, USA.
Falk, T., Schepers, J. J. L. , Hammerschmidt, M., & Grossenbacher, S. (2006). Should I stay or should I go – the role of status quo for using new self-service technologies. Proceedings of the 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.
Falk, T. & Hammerschmidt, M. (2005). Assessing service quality in online-retailing – a transaction process-based approach. Proceedings of the 34th European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
Should I stay or should I go – the role of status quo for using new self-service alternatives.
35th EMAC Conference 2006, Athens, May, 26th 2006.
Assessing service quality in online-retailing – a transaction process-based approach. 34th EMAC Conference 2005, Milan, May, 27th 2005.
Other Publications in German
One book (dissertation thesis), five book chapters, nine working papers and ten articles in
practitioner-oriented journals. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.