J.-Prof. Dr. Florian A. Täube
Professor - aktiv
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
EBS Business School
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
EBS Business School
Department of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Department of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Growth Management
Growth Management
Organisation and Management Theory
Technology and Innovation Management
International Business
Organisation and Management Theory
Technology and Innovation Management
International Business
Ort / PLZ
65189 Wiesbaden
65189 Wiesbaden
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 3
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 3
+49 611 7102 1375
+49 611 7102 1375
+49 611 7102 10 1375
+49 611 7102 10 1375
Tätigkeit an Business Schools
Kotabe, M., Riddle, L., Sonderegger, P. & Täube, F. (2012). Diaspora Networks on Diaspora Investment and Entrepreneurship: The Role of People, their Movements, and Capital in the
International Economy. Journal of International Management, Guest Editorial.
Cattani, G., Ferriani, S., Frederiksen, L. & Täube, F (2011). Project-based Organizing and
Strategic Management: A Long-Term Research Agenda on Temporary Organizational Forms. Advances in Strategic Management, 28, xv-xxxix.
Sonderegger, P. & Täube, F (2010). Cluster lifecyle and Diaspora Effects: Evidence from the
Indian IT Cluster in Bangalore. Journal of International Management 16 (4), 383-397.
Lorenzen, M. & Täube, F (2008). Breakout From Bollywood? The Roles of Social Networks and Regulation in the Evolution of Indian Film Industry. Journal of International Management, 14(3), 286-299.
Grote, M. H. & Täube, F (2007). When Outsourcing is not an Option: International Relocation of Investment Bank Research. Journal of International Management, 13(1), 57-77.
Grote, M. H. & Täube, F (2006). ’They won’t take you seriously otherwise’: Obstacles in
Offshoring and Outsourcing Investment Banks’ Research. Journal of Financial Transformation, 17, August, 49-59.
Grote, M. H. & Täube, F (2006). Offshoring the Financial Services Industry: The Upgrading of
Indian IT Clusters in the Global Value Chain. Environment and Planning A, 38(7), 1269-1285.
Contributions to edited volumes
Madhukar, I. B. & Täube, F (2010). Learning across the IT Life Cycle: Advantages of Integrated Service Creation and Service Management. In F. Keuper, C. Oecking & A. Degenhardt (Eds.), Application Management, Wiesbaden, 165-182.
Ebner, A. & Täube, F. (2009). The State of Innovation in Germany. In A. Lopez-Claros (Eds.), The Innovation for Development Report 2009-2010 - Strengthening Innovation for the Prosperity of Nations, Basingstoke, 157-171.
Täube, F. (2008). The Geography of Technology Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Indian IT Industry. In M. Keilbach, J.P. Tamvada & D. B. Audretsch (Eds.), Sustaining Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: Lessons in Policy and Industry Innovations from Germany and India, New York, 189-204.
Täube, F. (2008). The Indian Software Industry: Cultural Factors underpinning its Evolution. In W. Dissanayake & K. M. Gokulsing (Eds.), Popular Culture in a globalised India,
London, 223-235.
Täube, F. (2007). Local Clusters with non-local Demand: An Exploratory Study of Small
Ethnic Worlds in the Indian IT Industry. In S. Tallman (Eds.), A New Generation in International Strategic Management, Northampton, 263-281.
Täube, F. (2005). Transnational Networks and the Evolution of the Indian Software Industry: The Role of Culture and Ethnicity. In D. Fornahl, C. Zellner & D. B. Audretsch (Eds.),
The Role of Labour Mobility and Informal Networks for Knowledge Transfer,New York, 97-121.
Täube, F. (2004). Culture, Innovation, and Economic Development: The Case of the South
Indian ICT Clusters. In S. Mani & H. Romijn (Eds.), Innovation, Learning and Technological
Dynamism of Developing Countries, New York, 202-228.
Bhardwaj, G., Bissinger, A., Eisingerich, A. & Täube,F. (2010). From Service ‘Scapegoats’ to
Strategy Partners – The Evolving Role of the (European) COO. Performance, 3(2), 78-89.
Täube, F., & Gillig, H. (2010). Open Innovation für E-Services: Rahmenkonzept zur Kundenintegration in den Innovationsprozess. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 4, Juli/August, 48-52.
Täube, F., Fornahl, D., & Gerhart, M. (2009). Erfolgsfaktoren akademischer Spin-Offs. WISU – das Wirtschaftsstudium, 8-9,1128-1132.
Fornahl, D., & Gerhart, M. & Täube, F. (2009). Erfolgsfaktoren von Ausgründungen (Spin-offs) aus Forschungseinrichtungen. Performance, 1,20-25.
Täube, F., & Gerber, A. (2008). Stethoskop statt Megaphon - Die Rolle der Unternehmenskommunikation bei Open Innovation. Innovationsmanager, 4, 28-29.
Lorenzen, M. & Täube, F (2007). Breakout from Bollywood? Internationalization of Indian Film Industry. DRUID Working Paper 07-06.
Täube, F. (2004). Proximity and Innovation: Evidence from the Indian IT Industry in Bangalore. DRUID Working Paper 04-10. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.