Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kolonko

Professor - aktiv

Technische Universität Clausthal
Fakultät für Mathematik/Informatik und Maschinenbau
Institut für Mathematik
Stochastik und Optimierung
Naturanaloge Optimierungsverfahren (genetische Algorithmen, Simulated Annealing)
Optimierung im Verkehrswesen
Job Shop Scheduling
Ort / PLZ
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Erzstraße 1


1 M. Kolonko : Parallel Dynamic Programming with Applications to Layout Problems. Hildesheimer Informatik Berichte 3/90, Technical Report 1990.

2. M. Kolonko : Generating Uniformly Distributed Random Numbers without Floating Point Operations. Prob. Engineering and Inform. Sciences, 6 (1992), 139 - 145.

3. M. Kolonko und M. T. Tran : Monotonicity of Eigenvalues in Time-Reversible Markov Chains with Applications to Simulated Annealing. Hildesheimer Informatik Berichte 25/92, Technical Report 1992.

4. M. Kolonko : Optimal Compactification of a Floorplan and its Relation to Other Optimization Problems - A Dynamic Programming Approach. ZOR - Methods and Models of Operations Research 37 (1993), 75 - 95.

5. M. Kolonko : A Semi-Inhomogeneous Markov Model for Simulated Annealing. Hildesheimer Informatik Berichte 9/93, Technical Report 1993.

6. D. Kadelka, M. Kolonko und S. Voget : Epistasis Variance in Genetic Algorithms. Hildesheimer Informatikbericht 18/94, Technical Report 1994.

7. M. Kolonko : On Some Theoretical Aspects of the Crossover Operation in Genetic Algorithms. Hildesheimer Informatikbericht 21/94, Technical Report 1994.

8. M. Kolonko : A Piecewise Markovian Model for Simulated Annealing with Stochastic Cooling Schedules. Journal of Applied Probability 32 (1995), 649 - 658.

9. M. Kolonko : A Generalized Crossover Operation for Genetic Algorithms. Complex Systems 9 (1996), 177 - 193.

10. M. Kolonko, K. Nachtigall und S. Voget : Optimierung von integralen Taktfahrplänen mit genetischen Algorithmen, Exponat der Universität Hildesheim auf der CeBIT96. Hildesheimer Informatikbericht 8/96, 1996.

11. Voget und M. Kolonko : Multidimensional Optimization with Adaptive Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme '97, Computational Intelligence, Proceedings in Artificial Intelligence 5, A. Grauel/W. Becker/F. Belli (Eds), Sankt Augustin, 1997, 68-75.

12. M. Kolonko und M. T. Tran : Convergence of Simulated Annealing with Feedback Temperature Schedules. Prob. in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 11,279-304, 1997.(Corrected Version)]

13. M. Kolonko und W. Fengler : Entwicklung von Fahrplänen unter mehrfacher Zielsetzung, Mehrkriterielle Optimierung mit evolutionären Algorithmen, Der Nahverkehr 11, 45-48, 1997.

14. M. Kolonko und S. Voget : Multidimensional Optimization Using Fuzzy Genetic Algorithms J. of Heuristics, 4,221 -244, 1998

15. M. Kolonko : Some New Results on Simulated Annealing Applied to the Job Shop Scheduling Problem European J. of Operational Research, 113,123-136, 1999.

16. O. Engelhardt-Funke and M. Kolonko : Cost-Benefit-Analysis of Investments into Railway Networks with Randomly Perturbed Operations, CASPT 2000.

17. H. Behnke, M. Kolonko, U. Mertins and S. Schnitter : Optimization and Simulation: Sequential Packing of Flexible Objects Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Proceedings of the 1st. Symposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations and Applications (SAGA 2001), Dec. 2001, Berlin, Germany.

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