Prof. Francis de Véricourt, PhD

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
ESMT European School of Management and Technology
Operations and Decision Making
Ort / PLZ
10178 Berlin
Schlossplatz 1
+49 (0) 30 212 31-0 (Zentrale)
+49 (0) 30 212 31-9 (Zentrale)

Tätigkeit an Business Schools

  • ESMT

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

Best Teacher Award, ESMT MBA (2008).

Center for Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (2003/2006) $5000.

Finalist, Junior faculty paper competition (INFORMS), 2004.

Merit Scholarship from the French government to complete my Ph.D. Thesis, 1997–2000.

Qualified by the French government for assistant professor positions in French universities, 2001.


Published Articles

Sun, P., Yang, L., and de Véricourt, F. (2009). Selfish Drug Allocation for Containing an International Inuenza Pandemic at the Onset. Operations Research 57(6): 1320–1332.

de Véricourt, F., and Lobo, M. (2009). Resource and Revenue Management in Nonprofit Operations. Operations Research 57(5): 1114–1128.

Gayon, J. P., de Véricourt, F., and Karaesmen, F. (2009). Stock Rationing in a Multi-Class Make-to-Stock Queue with Information on the Production Status. IIE Transactions 41(12): 1096–1109.

Gayon, J. P., Benjaafar, S., and de Véricourt, F. (2009). Using Imperfect Demand Information in Production-Inventory Systems with Multiple Demand Classes. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 11(1): 128–143.

Wang, S., de Véricourt, F., and Sun, P. (2009). Decentralized Resource Allocation to Control an Epidemic: A Game Theoretic Approach. Mathematical Biosciences 222(1): 1–12.

de Véricourt, F., and Jennings, O. (2008). Dimensioning Large-Scale Membership Services. Operations Research 56(1): 173–187.

Aksin, Z., de Véricourt, F., and Karaesmen, F. (2008). Call Center Outsourcing Contract Analysis and Choice. Management Science 54(2): 354–368.

Bernstein, F., and de Véricourt, F. (2008). Competition for Procurement Contracts with Service Guarantees. Operations Research 56(3): 562–575. (Junior faculty paper competition, finalist 2004).

de Véricourt, F., and Zhou, Y-P. (2006). On the Incomplete Results for the Heterogeneous Server Problem. Queueing Systems, 52(3): 189–191.

de Véricourt, F., and Zhou, Y-P. (2005). Managing Response Time and Service Quality in a Call Allocation Problem. Operations Research 53(6): 968–981.

El Hafsi, M., Benjaafar, S., and de Véricourt, F. (2004). Demand Allocation in Multiple-Product, Multiple-Facility Make-to- Stock Systems. Management Science 50(10): 811–819.

de Véricourt, F., and Gershwin, S. (2004). Performance Evaluation of a Make-To-Stock Production Line with a Two- Parameter-per-Machine Policy: The Control Point Policy. IIE Transactions 36(3): 221–236.

Veatch, M., and de Véricourt, F. (2003). Zero-lnventory Conditions For a Two Part-Type Make-to-Stock Production System. Queueing Systems 43(3): 251–266.

de Véricourt, F., Karaesmen, F., and Dallery, Y. (2002). Optimal Stock Allocation for a Capacitated Supply System. Management Science 48(11): 1486–1501.

de Véricourt, F., Karaesmen, F., and Dallery, Y. (2001). Assessing the Benefits of Rationing and Scheduling Policies for a Make-to-Stock Production System. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 2(3): 105–121.

de Véricourt, F., Karaesmen, F., and Dallery, Y. (2000). Dynamic Scheduling in a Make-to-Stock System: A Partial Characterization of Optimal Policies. Operations Research 48(5): 811–819.

de Véricourt, F., and Dallery, Y. (2000). Non-Optimality of Static-Priority Policies in Unreliable Two Part Type Production System. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 45(2): 309–311.

de Véricourt, F., and Dallery, Y. (1999). Le pilotage des systèmes de production à flux tiré. Logistique & Management - Le pilotage des flux II 7(1): 57–66.

Working Papers

de Véricourt, F., and Jennings, O. (2007). Nurse-To-Patient Ratios: A Queueing Perspective.

White Papers

Tosini, N., Friederiszick, H. W., de Véricourt, F., and Wakeman, S. (2009). An Economic Assessment of the Relationship between Price Regulation and Incentives to Innovate in the Pharmaceutical Industry. ESMT White Paper ESMT No. WP–109–03.

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