Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Gerold Wagner

Professor - aktiv

FH Oberösterreich
Campus Steyr
Fakultät für Management
Ort / PLZ
4400 Steyr
Wehrgrabengasse 1-3
+43 (0)7252 884-3411
+43 (0)7252 884-3499



MANAGEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS IN COLLABORATIONS: Vorgehensmodell zur Etablierung nachhaltiger Unternehmensnetzwerke
O. Wolfgang, S. Hanusch, J. Schweiger, M. Tschandl, G. Wagner - MANAGEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS IN COLLABORATIONS: Vorgehensmodell zur Etablierung nachhaltiger Unternehmensnetzwerke - Proceedings FFH 2010, Pinkafeld, Österreich, 2010


Supply Chain Interaction by Using SCA for B2B and B2G Information Systems
W. Wetzlinger, G. Wagner, D. Nedbal - Supply Chain Interaction by Using SCA for B2B and B2G Information Systems - Proceedings FH Science Day 2008, Linz, Österreich, 2008, pp. 475-482

Blogs for corporate communication – State of the Art and Diffusion
G. Petz, G. Wagner, A. Greiner - Blogs for corporate communication – State of the Art and Diffusion - FH Science Day 2008, Linz, Linz, Österreich, 2008, pp. 446-453


The Potential of B2B Information Systems and Co-operation Concepts Supporting Supply Chain Management in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
G. Wagner, W. Wöss, J. Lindinger, W. Wetzlinger - The Potential of B2B Information Systems and Co-operation Concepts Supporting Supply Chain Management in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Proceedings FH Science Day 2007, Wels, Österreich, 2007, pp. 79-86


A GUI-based OPAC for the Austrian catalogue for alternative format books
F. Burger, A. Sofy, G. Wagner - A GUI-based OPAC for the Austrian catalogue for alternative format books - ICCHP ´98 - XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, Vienna - Budapest, Österreich, 1998, pp. 10

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