Prof. Dr. Otto Jockel

Professor - aktiv

International School of Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Contract Logistics and Forwarding
International Transport
Traffic and Mobility
Supply Chain Management
Ort / PLZ
44227 Dortmund
Otto-Hahn-Straße 19



“Third-party logistics providers - Facilitators for intermodal transports?” currently under review for Logistics Research and Applications

“Lieferkettenprobleme und effektives Supply Chain Management”, Industriemanagement, 5/2004

“Supply Chain Management – the path to efficiency and better customer service” (2004), IV International Exhibition Forum „World of Trade” - International conference „Management of Warehouse and Logistics Processes“ Moscow, June, 18th, 2004

“Third Party Logistics providers – Facilitators for Intermodal Transport?” (2003), Conference Proceeding of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, London, 11th – 12th September 2003, London/UK,

‘The developing role of third party logistics providers in logistics systems and their impact on logistics performance’, Logistics Solutions, Issue 3 2003, pp. 30-33

“Third-Party Logistics Service Providers and their involvement in logistics processes” (2002), Proceedings of the European Logistics Research and Policy Conference, Brussels, Belgium 04th December, 2002

“Logistics competence provided and required in Third-Party Logistics relationships” (2002), Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on New Models Of Business: Managerial Aspects And Enabling Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-28, 2002

“Logistics competence provided and required in third-party logistics relationships” (2002), Proccedings of the Annual meeting of the Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA), Trondheim, Norway, June 13-15, 2002

‘Does logistics service provision meet European demand? Part two – results’, Supply Chain Practise, (2002) Vol. 4, No. 2, pp 14-26

“Does logistics service provision meet European demand?“ (2002) Part One – development of a new research methodology’, Supply Chain Practise, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 40-55

“The views of European Shippers and Third Party Logistics providers on Intermodal Transport” (2002) Proceeding of the Fifth Forum on Intermodal Freight Transport in Europe and the United States, Jacksonville, Fl./U.S., April 11-13, 2002

“The Developing Role of Third Party Logistics Providers in Logistics Systems and Their Impact on Logistics Performance” (2002), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Production Operations Management Society, April 5-8, 2002, San Francisco, CA/U.S. 2002

“Market demands and services offered by Third Party Logistics providers (TPLPs) in Europe” (2001) Proceedings of the Annual Council of Logistics (CLM) Conference Kansas City, KA. /U.S. Sept.30th – Oct.3rd, 2001

“The contribution of Logistics Service providers to Logistics Performance” (2001), Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland,/UK, 12-14th September 2001

“Virtual Logistics in Virtual Organisations”, Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Production Operations Management Society, San Antonio, TX./U.S. April 1-4, 2000

“The Third Party Logistics Market in Europe“, Supply Chain Practise,(2000) Vol. 2, No. 4, pp 44-63

“Virtuelle Logistik in Virtuellen Organisationen“ August (2000) Industrie Management, ,( zusammen mit Ulrich Franke)

“Virtual Logistics: An Exploratory Case Study”, Working Paper SWP 3/00, (2000), Cranfield University, School of Management,( zusammen mit Ulrich Franke)

“Virtual Logistics“, Logistics Europe, September 1999,( zusammen mit Ulrich Franke)

“Day of the Mega-Carrier“, Logistics Europe, June 1998, (zusammen mit Melvyn Peters)

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