- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- Business Intelligence, Data Science
- International School of Management
- Rechnungswesen und Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- International School of Management
- Marketing, Sales, Tourism & Sports Department
- Konsumentenverhalten, Marketing und Handel, Luxury Management, Fashion Management, Digital Business and Management
- International School of Management
- International Management, Logistics & Operations Department
- Controlling, Logistik, Supply Chain Management
- International School of Management
- Financial Reporting & Law Department
- Buchführung, Corporate Governance, Rechnungslegung, Steuern, Abschlussprüfung
- International School of Management
- Strategy, Finance & Innovation Department
- Marketing Controlling, Operatives Marketing, Strategisches Management und Marketing, Sales Management und CRM, Neuro Marketing und Konsumentenpsychologie
- International School of Management
- Finance & Accounting
- International School of Management
- General Management
- International School of Management
- Internationales Management, Banken und Finanzwesen
- International School of Management
- Marketing & Sustainability Management
- Marketing und Internationales Management
- International School of Management
- Strategy, Finance & Innovation
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- International School of Management
- Allgemeine BWL, Handel & Sales, International Management
- International School of Management
- International Management, Logistics & Operations Department
- Controlling, Logistik, Supply Chain Management
- International School of Management
- Strategy, Finance & Innovation Department
- International School of Management
- Makroökonomie, Wirtschaftspolitik und Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, Makroökonomik
- International School of Management
- Financial Reporting & Law Department
- Rechnungslegung und Controlling, Steuerrecht, Unternehmensbewertung, Investitionen und Finanzierung
- International School of Management
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- International School of Management
- Marketing, Sales, Tourism & Sports
- BWL und Marketing, Communications Management, Communications/Advertising, Integrierte Kommunikation, Kommunikations- und Medienmanagement, Kommunikationsmanagement, Kommunikationspolitik, Kommunikationswissenschaft, Markenkommunikation und Werbung, Marketing, Marketing und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Public Relations, Public Relations und Kommunikationsmanagement, Public Relations und Marketing, Social Media, Strategie und Technik der Werbung, Werbung (Marketing-Kommunikation)
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- International School of Management
- Wirtschafts- und Privatrecht, Öffentliches Recht
- International School of Management
- Marketing, Sales, Tourism & Sports Department
- International School of Management
- International Management, Logistics & Operations Department
- , Controlling, Einkauf, International Management, Leadership, Supply Chain Management
- International School of Management
- Medienökonomie
- International School of Management
- Marketing, Sales, Tourism & Sports Department
- Internationales Management, Internationales Marketing, Markenmanagement, Sportmanagement, Strategisches Marketing Management
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- Real Estate Management
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- International School of Management
- Business Psychology & HR Department
- Arbeitssucht, Employer Attractivity, Psychologisch-systemisches Coaching & Mentoring, Psychologische Markenführung, Social Media Marketing & Communication
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- Forschung
- International School of Management
- Financial Reporting & Law Department
- Bürgerliches Recht, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Vertragsgestaltung, Wettbewerbsrecht, Markenrecht
- International School of Management
- International School of Management
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- Immobilienforschung, Standortforschung
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- International School of Management
- Internationales Management und Steuern
- International School of Management
- Mikroökonomie, Makroökonomie Wirtschaftspolitik Konjunktur und Wachstum, Ostasiatische Volkswirtschaften, Ostasiatische Wirtschaftsstrukturen, Ostasiatische Managementgrundlagen Ostasiatische Geschäftspraktiken
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- International School of Management
- Strategy, Finance & Innovation Department
- Finanzierung, Internationales Finanzmanagement, Investment Relations
- International School of Management
- Marketing, Sales, Tourism & Sports Department
- Marketing und Kommunikation, Unternehmenskommunikation, Public Relations, Content Marketing, Social Media
- International School of Management
- Quantitative Methoden, IT und Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre
- International School of Management
- Economics & Quantitative Methods Department
- Information Systems
- International School of Management
- Financial Reporting & Law Department
- International School of Management
- International Management, Logistics & Operations Department
- Logistik
- International School of Management
- Business Psychology & HR Department
- Psychology + Management
- International School of Management
- Rechnungswesen und Volkswirtschaftslehre
- International School of Management
- Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Tourismus- und Eventmanagement
- International School of Management
- Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsmathematik, Produktion und Logistik