Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Mannheim
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Finanzierung
Ort / PLZ
68131 Mannheim
+49 (0)621 181-1517
+49 (0)621 181-1518
+49 (0)621 181-1519

Tätigkeit an Business Schools

  • Mannheim Business School

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

Finanzinnovationspreis der Bethmann Bank [Research award sponsored by Bethamnn Bank]

Best paper award, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft

Dissertationspreis des Deutschen Aktieninstituts [Dissertation award, sponsored by Deutsches Aktieninstitut]

1989 - 1992
Fellowship awarded by "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes"



Organisationsformen des Wertpapierhandels: Eine vergleichende Analyse von Gesamtkursermittlung, kontinuierlicher Auktion und Market-Maker-System [The Microstructure of Equity Markets: A Comparative Analysis of Auction and Dealer Markets]. Wiesbaden: Gabler-Verlag, 1998.

Articles in English (published or accepted for publication)

Sooner or Later: Delays in Trade Reporting by Corporate Insiders. Forthcoming in Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. (with André Betzer).

Insider Trading and Corporate Governance - The Case of Germany. European Financial Management. 15 (2009), 402-429. (with André Betzer)

Competition Between Exchanges: Euonext versus Xetra. European Financial Management 15 (2009), 181-207. (with Maria Kasch-Haroutounian).

Setting a Fox to Keep the Geese: Does the Comply-or-Explain Principle Work? Journal of Corporate Finance 14 (2008), 289-301. (with Christian Andres)

Does Anonymity Matter in Electronic Limit Order Markets? Review of Financial Studies 20 (2007), 1707-1747. (with Thierry Foucault and Sophie Moinas).

Estimating the Probability of Informed Trading - Does Trade Misclassification Matter? Journal of Financial Markets 10 (2007), 26-47. (with Ekkehart Boehmer and Joachim Grammig).

An Analysis of Private Investors’ Stock Market Return Forecasts. Applied Financial Economics 17 (2007), 35-41.

Investment Performance and Market Share: Evidence from the German Mutual Fund Industry. In: Bessler, W. (ed.): Börsen, Banken und Kapitalmärkte - Festschrift für Hartmut Schmidt. Duncker und Humblot 2006, 471-491. (with Jan P. Krahnen und Frank A. Schmid).

Internalization under the MiFID: Regulatory Overreaching or Landmark in Investor Protection? In: Ferrarini, G. and E. Wymeersch (eds.): Investor Protection in Europe: Corporate Law Making, the MiFID and Beyond, Oxford University Press 2006, 271-296. (with Johannes Köndgen).

Who Knows What When? The Information Content of Pre-IPO Market Prices. Journal of Financial Intermediation 14 (2005), 466-484. (with Gunter Löffler and Patrick F. Panther)

Organized Equity Markets. In: Krahnen, J. and R.H. Schmidt (eds.): The German Financial System. Oxford University Press 2004, 139-162.

Trader Anonymity, Price Formation and Liquidity. European Finance Review, 7 (2003) No. 1, 1-26.

Beta and Returns Revisited - Evidence from the German Stock Market. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 13 (2003) No. 1, 1-18. (with Ralf Elsas and Mahmoud El-Shaer)

Price Discovery in Floor and Screen Trading Systems. Journal of Empirical Finance 9 (2002) No. 4, 455-474.

Floor versus Screen Trading: Evidence from the German Stock Market. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 158 (2002) No. 1, 32-54.

Market Structure, Intermediation and Liquidity. Schmalenbach Business Review 54 (2002) Special Issue 1, 255-274. (with Thorsten Freihube and Jan P Krahnen)

The Anatomy of a Call Market. Journal of Financial Intermediation 10 (2001) No. 3/4, 276-305. (with Carl-Heinrich Kehr and Jan P. Krahnen)

Knowing Me, Knowing You: Trader Anonymity and Informed Trading in Parallel Markets. Journal of Financial Markets 4 (2001) No. 4, 385-412. (with Joachim Grammig and Dirk Schiereck)

An Index Is an Index Is an Index? Schmalenbach Business Review 53 (2001) No. 4, 295-320. (with Thorsten Freihube)

A Test of the Accuracy of the Lee / Ready Trade Classification Algorithm. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 11 (2001) No. 2, 147-165.

Market Structure, Informational Efficiency and Liquidity: An Experimental Comparison of Auction and Dealer Markets. Journal of Financial Markets 3 (2000) No 4, 333-363.

Insider Trading and Portfolio Structure in Experimental Asset Markets with a Long Lived Asset. European Journal of Finance 5 (1999), 29-50. (with Jan P. Krahnen and Christian Rieck)

Designing an Experimental Stock Market. In: Bühler, W. / Hax, H. / Schmidt, R. (ed.): Empirical Research on the German Capital Market. Springer-Verlag 1999, 27-54. (with Jan P. Krahnen and Christian Rieck)

Inferring Risk Attitudes from Certainty Equivalents: Some Lessons from an Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Psychology 18 (1997), 469-486. (with Jan P. Krahnen and Christian Rieck)

Information Acquisition in Asset Markets: Experimental Investigation of a Matrix Game. Proceedings of the IAREP/SABE Conference, Rotterdam 1994, Part 1, pp. 396-410. (with Christian Rieck)

Articles in German and other publications

Eine empirische Untersuchung der individualisierten Veröffentlichung der Vorstandsvergütung. [An Empirical Analysis of the Publication of Board Member Remuneration]. Die Betriebswirtschaft 67, 167-178.. (with Chtistian Andres)

Der vorbörsliche Handel mit IPOs. [Pre-Issue Trading in German IPOs]. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 2006 No. 5, 481-494. (with Gunter Löffler und Patrick F. Panther).

Zur Schätzung von Geld-Brief-Spannen aus Transaktionsdaten. [Estimating bid-ask spreads from transactions data]. In: Bessler, W. (ed.): Börsen, Banken und Kapitalmärkte - Festschrift für Hartmut Schmidt. Duncker und Humblot 2006, 71-83. (with Joachium Grammig and Oliver Wünsche).

IPO als Exit der Venture Capital-Finanzierung. [IPOs as exit channel of venture capital financing]. Forthcoming in: Börner, Ch. and D. Grichnik (eds.): Entrepreneurial Finance. Springer, 2005. (with Stefanie Franzke).

Intermediation und Informationsasymmetrie beim Aktienhandel. [Intermediation and informational asymmetries in the stock market]. In: Kürsten, W. and B. Nietert (eds.): Kapitalmarkt, Unternehmensfinanzierung und rationale Entscheidungen - Festschrift für Jochen Wilhelm. Springer, 2005, 393-408.

„Internalisierter“ Wertpapierhandel zu Börsenpreisen? [Analysis of legal and economic aspects of internalized equity trades] In: Wertpapiermitteilungen - Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht 57 (2003), 1497-1509. (with Johannes Köndgen)

Internalisierung und Marktqualität: Was bringt Xetra Best? [Intarnalization and Market Quality . An Assessment of XetraBest]. Kredit unf Kapital, 35 (2002) No. 4, 550-571.

Underpricing und Anlegerdiskriminierung bei Aktienemissionen [IPO Underpricing and Discriminatory Share Allocation]. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 72 (2002) No. 10, 1025-1044.

Empirische Untersuchungen zum Vergleich von Parketthandel und elektronischen Handelssystemen [Empirical Comparison of Floor-Based and Electronic Trading Systems]. rer. pol. Zeitschrift der Frankfurter Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, No. 1-02, 19-15.

Informationsbasierter Aktienhandel über IBIS [Information-Based Trading in the Electronic Trading System IBIS]. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 52 (2000) No 11, 619-642. (with Joachim Grammig and Dirk Schiereck)

Was leisten die Kursmakler? Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse [An Empirical Investigation into the Role of the Specialists at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange]. Kredit und Kapital 32 (1999) No 3, 426-460. (with Thorsten Freihube, Carl-Heinrich Kehr and Jan P. Krahnen)

Performance deutscher Rentenfonds: Replik zur Stellungnahme von Schwetzler / Darijtschuk [Performance of German Bond Mutual Funds: Reply to Schwetzler / Darijtschuk]. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 51 (1999) No 9, 876-882. (with Mario Greifzu).

Banken, bankeigene Kapitalanlagegesellschaften und Aktienemissionen [Bank-Owned Investment Trust Companies and Initial Public Offerings]. Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft 3 (1999) No 3, 125-134. (with Theodor Baums)

Liquiditätsmessung auf experimentellen Aktienmärkten [Measuring Liquidity on Experimental Stock Markets]. Kredit und Kapital 32 (1999), 225-264.

Working Papers

Fourteen at One Blow: The Market Entry of Turquoise. October 2009. (with Jördis Hengelbrock).

Strategic Trading by Corporate Insiders. June 2009. (with André Betzer and Daniel Metzger).

Market Response to Investor Sentiment. May 2009. (with Jördis Hengelbrock and Christian Westheide)

Time and the Price Impact of a Trade: A Structural Approach. April 2009. (with Joachim Grammig and Oliver Wünsche).

Dividend Announcements, Market Expectations, and Corporate Governance. March 2009. (with Christian Andres, André Betzer, Christian Haesner and Inga van den Bongard)

A Partially Linear Approach to Modelling the Dynamics of Spot and Futures Prices. March 2008. (with Jürgen Gaul). To be revised and resubmitted to: Journal of Financial Econometrics.

Determinanten der Aktionärspräsenz auf Hauptversammlungen deutscher Aktiengesellschaften [Determinants of Shareholder Attendance at the General Meetings of German Listed Corporations]. March 2008. (with Philipp Linge). To be revised and resubmitted to: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft.

Is Best Really Better? Internalization in Xetra BEST. October 2006. (with Joachim Grammig). To be revised and resubmitted to: Schmalenbach Business Review.

Zooming in on Liquidity. June 2006. (with Peter Gomber and Uwe Schweickert). To be revised and resubmitted to: Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

Short sale constraints, divergence of opinion and asset values: Evidence from the laboratory. March 2006. (with Gabriele Fellner). Presented at the EFA annual meeting 2006 in Zurich.

Price Discovery in Spot and Futures Markets: A Reconsideration. October 2005.

Order Submission under Price Uncertainty: An Experimental Study. February 2000.

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