Digital Transformation

7 Treffer - Diese Studienprogramme entsprechen folgenden Suchkriterien:

  • Digital Transformation

ESMT Berlin

AI for Managers - Executive Education

AI is reshaping the world of business and opening up new horizons for value creation. As AI applications become more integrated into our everyday lives, there are ever increasing opportunities to enhance existing products, processes and services or create entirely new ones.


AI at Scale - Executive Education

Many organizations initiate AI transformations with high expectations, only to encounter slow progress and limited impact. The "AI at Scale" program addresses these common challenges by equipping middle and senior managers with the tools to effectively develop their organization’s ambition, technology, people, and processes in a balanced manner. This course provides a comprehensive framework to transform your AI initiatives from ideas into scalable, impactful solutions. Gain the insights and skills necessary to drive successful AI transformations and achieve substantial business outcomes.


Data Analytics - Executive Education

A successful business is a data-driven business. We are all aware of the power of analytics to drive growth and outperform competitors, but for many of us, leveraging data to make more effective decisions remains a key challenge.

This program will help you to dive deeper into your data, identify valuable insights and design new strategies around them.


An Innovation Sprint from Idea to Business - Executive Education

This course is a hands-on experience in which you have to generate your business idea in an accelerated environment. Entrepreneurship primarily addresses the challenges of going from generating an idea, testing it in the market, and iteratively developing the idea to improve it.


Design Thinking and Corporate Change - Executive Education

Ran in cooperation with HPI Academy (Hasso Plattner Institute), this hands-on design thinking course will equip you with the methods of Design Thinking to help you implement dynamic, customer-focused and goal-oriented innovations at your organization.


Leading Digital Transformation - Executive Education

Adopting disruptive digital technologies at your organization may represent a lucrative opportunity or a simple necessity to stay competitive. Whether this is a fundamental change in your business model or just a suite of new tools to improve productivity, the implementation process requires a specific set of skills and competencies to ensure success. Leading Digital Transformation is designed to prime you for these challenges.


Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

MBA Digital Transformation Management

Um Unternehmen und Organisationen der verschiedenen Branchen und Größen fit für die Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels zu machen, müssen sie mit entsprechendem Fachwissen verändert werden. Der berufsbegleitende MBA vermittelt Fach- und Führungskräften in 3 Semestern dieses Fachwissen, damit sie ihre Organisationen im digitalen Wandel erfolgreich managen können. Dazu werden aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse aus den Bereichen Wirtschaftsinformatik und –wissenschaften vermittelt und mit Praxiselementen verknüpft. Lehrveranstaltungen finden weitestgehend digital in den Abendstunden oder am Wochenende statt und werden durch eine Präsenzveranstaltung pro Semester ergänzt.
