Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Ledolter

Professor - aktiv

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Department für Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Mathematische Methoden der Statistik
Time series analysis and forecasting
Applications of statistical methods in the physical sciences
Applications of statistical methods in business
Statistical methods for quality improvement
Ort / PLZ
1020 Wien
Welthandelsplatz 1



Ledolter, J., Schebeck, F. and Thury, G.: Forecasting Using Leading Indicators: Some Empirical Evidence for Austria, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1981

Abraham, B. and Ledolter, J.: Statistical Methods for Forecasting, Wiley & Sons, 1983

Hogg, R. V. and Ledolter, J.: Engineering Statistics, Macmillan, 1987. Second edition, 1992 (Applied Statistics for Engineers and Physical Scientists)

Ledolter, J. and Burrill, C. W.: Solving Quality Problems: Tools for Continuous Quality Improvement, Wiley & Sons, 1999

Burrill, C. W. and Ledolter, J.: Achieving Quality Through Continual Improvement, Wiley & Sons, 1999

Recent Publications:

Anderson-Sprecher, R. and Ledolter, J.: "State-Space Analysis of Wildlife Telemetry Data," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 86(1991), 595-602.

Ledolter, J., Klugman, S., and Lee, C.S.: "Credibility Models with Time-Varying Trend Components," ASTIN Bulletin, 21 (1991), 73-91.

Inman, J., Ledolter, J., Lenth R.V. and Niemi, L.: "Two Quality and Productivity Case Studies Arising from a Company Internship," Journal of Quality Technology, 24(1992), 27-36.

Mulford, H.A., Ledolter, J. and Fitzgerald, J.L.: "Alcohol Availability and Consumption: Iowa Sales Data Revisited," Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 53(1992), 487-494.

Hackl, P. and Ledolter, J.: "A New Nonparametric Quality Control Technique," Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation, 21(1992), 423-443.

Ledolter, J. and Lee, C.S.: "Analysis of Many Short Time Sequences: Forecast Improvements Achieved by Shrinkage," Journal of Forecasting, 12(1993), 1-11.

Tsimikas, J. and Ledolter, J.: "REML and Best Linear Unbiased Prediction in State Space Models," Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 23(1994), 2253-2268.

Chan, K.S. and Ledolter, J.: "Monte Carlo EM Estimation for Time Series Models Involving Counts," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90(1995), 242-252.

Ledolter, J.: "Projects in Introductory Statistics Courses," The American Statistician, 49(1995), 364-367.

Ledolter, J. and Chan, K.S.: "Evaluating the Impact of the Increased 65 mph Speed Limit on Iowa Rural Interstates," The American Statistician, 50(1996), 79-85.

Arteaga, C. and Ledolter, J.: "Control Charts Based on Order-Restricted Tests," Statistics and Probability Letters, 32(1997), 1-10.

Ledolter, J. and Swersey, A.: "An Evaluation of PRE-Control," Journal of Quality Technology, 29(1997), 163-171.

Ledolter, J. and Swersey, A.: "Dorian Shainin's Variables Search Procedure: A Critical Assessment," Journal of Quality Technology, 29(1997), 237-247.

Tsimikas, J. and Ledolter, J.: "Mixed Model Representation of State Space Models: New Smoothing Results and their Application to REML Estimation," Statistica Sinica, 7(1997), 973-991.

Tsimikas, J. and Ledolter, J.: "Analysis of Multi-Unit Variance Components Models with State Space Profiles," Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 50 (1998), 147-164.

Fisher, E.L., Fuortes, L.J., Ledolter, J., Steck, D.J., and Field, R.W.: "Temporal and Spatial Variation of Waterborne Point-of-Use 222Radon in Three Water Distribution Systems," Health Physics Journal, 74 (1998), 242-248.

Ledolter, Johannes: "Evaluating the Long Term Impact of an Introductory Business Statistics Course," Austrian Journal of Statistics, 28(1999), 215-228.

Ledolter, Johannes: "Case Studies in Multi-Unit Longitudinal Models with Random Coefficients and Patterned Correlation," Austrian Journal of Statistics, 29(2000), 93-110.

Kramer, John R., Ledolter, Johannes, Manos, George N., and Bayless, Meg L.: "A Longitudinal Study of Stress and Metabolic Control in Type I Diabetes," The Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 22(2000), 17-28.

Mueller-Camen, M., Mayrhofer, W., Ledolter, J. Strunk, G., and Erten-Buch, C.: “Neue Formen der Arbeitsorganisation in Europa: Eine empirische Studie,” Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 51(2001), 265-277.

Ledolter, Johannes: Comment on the paper “Assessing the Impact of Speed Limit Increases on Fatal Interstate Crashes” by S. Balkin and J.K. Ord, Journal of Transportation and Statistics, 4(2001), 13-16.

Ledolter, Johannes: “A Case Study in Design of Experiments: Improving the Manufacture of Viscose Fiber,” Quality Engineering, 15(2002), 311-322.

Mayrhofer, W., Müller-Camen, M., Ledolter, J., Strunk, G., and Erten, C.: “The Diffusion of Management Concepts in Europe - Conceptual Considerations and Longitudinal Analysis,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence & Management, 3(2002), 315-349.

Ledolter, Johannes: “Time Series Forecasting,” Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences (M. Lewis-Beck, A. Bryman, and T. Liao, editors), 2003 (in Druck).

Review: Ramsey, F. L. and Schafer, D. W.: “The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (Second edition).” The American Statistician, 57(2003) (in Druck).

Mayrhofer, W., Müller-Camen, M., Ledolter, J., Strunk, G., and Erten, C.: “Populäre personalwirtschaftliche Handlungsempfehlungen der 1990er Jahre und ihre Umsetzung - eine international vergleichende empirische Analyse.” Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 2003 (in Druck).

Ledolter, Johannes: "Statistical Techniques for Quality Improvement: Improving the Manufacture of Viscose Fiber," Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Bilbao, Spain (V. Nunez-Anton, E. Ferreira, editors), 2000, 52-65.

Dexter, F. and Ledolter, J.: “Managing Risk and Expected Financial Return from Selected Expansion of Operating Room Capacity: Mean Variance Analysis of a Hospital’s Portfolio of Surgeons.” Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2003 (in Druck).

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