Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Hans Gersbach

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
Departement Management, Technologie und Ökonomie
CER-ETH - Center of Economic Research
Makroökonomie: Innovation und Politik
Innovation und Wachstumsprozesse
Fragen der Stabilität von Banken- und Finanzsystemen
Bekämpfung von Armut in Entwicklungsländern
Ort / PLZ
8092 Zürich
Zürichbergstrasse 18
+41 44 632 82 80
+41 44 632 82 81
+41 44 632 18 30

Weitere Positionen und Funktionen

Direktor des CER-ETH - Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich und CEPR Research Fellow in Public Policy and Industrial Organization. Er ist Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats beim Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Berlin und Mitglied der Leitung der Konjunkturforschungsstelle der ETH Zürich (KOF). Er ist auch IZA und CESifo Research Fellow.


Recent Publications

Area P: Design of new Organizations/Institutions and their Foundations

Groups, Collective Decisions, and Markets, Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming, 2010.
(with Hans Haller)

Minority Voting and Long-term Decisions, Games and Economic Behavior, forthcoming, 2009.
(with Theresa Fahrenberger)

Democratic Mechanisms, Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming, 2009.

Flexible Pensions for Politicians, Public Choice, forthcoming, 2010.
(with Markus Müller)

Power to Youth: Designing Democracy for Long-term Well-being, Mathematical Social Sciences, 58(2), 2009, 158-172.
(with Tobias Kleinschmidt)

The Affectionate Society: Does Competition for Partners Promote Friendliness?, Economic Theory, 40, 2009, 389-403.
(with Hans Haller)

Competition of Politicians for Wages and Office, Social Choice and Welfare, 33(1), 2009, 51-71.

Incentive Contracts and Elections for Politicians with Multi-Task Problems, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 68(2), 2008, 401-411.
(with Verena Liessem)

Reelection Thresholds in Politics, Social Choice and Welfare, 31(2), 2008, 233-255.
(with Verena Liessem)

When Inefficiency Begets Efficiency, Economic Theory, 25(1), 2005, 105-121.
(with Hans Haller)

Dividing Resources by Flexible Majority Rules, Social Choice and Welfare, 23, 2004, 295-308.

Why One-Person-One-Vote?, Social Choice and Welfare, 23, 2004, 449-464.

Competition of Politicians for Incentive Contracts and Elections, Public Choice, 121, 2004, 157-177.

The Money-Burning Refinement: With Application to a Political Signalling Game, International Journal of Game Theory, 33, 2004, 67-87.

Collective Decisions and Competitive Markets, Review of Economic Studies, 68, 2001, 347-368.
(with Hans Haller)

Area I: Innovation, the Engines of Growth and Long-term Well-Being

Collective Bargaining, Awareness of General Equilibrium Effects and Unemployment, International Economic Review, forthcoming, 2010.
(with Achim Schniewind)

Land Reforms and Economic Development, Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming, 2009.
(with Lars Siemers)

Child Labor and the Education of a Society, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 13(2), 2009, 220-249.
(with Clive Bell)

The Macroeconomics of Targeting: The Case of an Enduring Epidemic, Journal of Health Economics, 28(1), 2009, 54-72.
(with Clive Bell)

High Compensation Creates a Ratchet Effect, Economic Journal, 119, 2009, 1208-1224.
(with Amihai Glazer)

The Long-run Economic Costs of AIDS: A Model with an Application to South Africa, World Bank Economic Review, 20(1), 2006, 55-89.
(with Clive Bell and Shantayanan Devarajan)

Productivity Improvements in Public Organizations, Economic Journal, 115(505), 2005, 671-688.
(with Marten Keil)

Emission Taxes and Optimal Refunding Schemes, Journal of Public Economics, 88, 2004, 713-725.
(with Till Requate)

Endogenous Spillovers and Incentives to Innovate, Economic Theory, 21(1), 2003, 59-79.
(with Armin Schmutzler)

Is Capital a Collusion Device?, Economic Theory, 21(1), 2003, 133-154.
(with Switgard Feuerstein)

Endogenous Technological Spillovers: Causes and Consequences, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 12 (2), 2003, 179-205.
(with Armin Schmutzler)

Area M: Macroeconomic Thinking and Economic Policy

Voting Transparency in a Monetary Union, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41(5), 2009, 831-853.
(with Volker Hahn)

Flexible Majority Rules for Central Banks, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming, 2009.
(with Bernhard Pachl)

Should the Individual Voting Records of Central Bankers Be Published?, Social Choice and Welfare, 30(4), 2008, 655-683.
(with Volker Hahn)

Imperfect Competition, General Equilibrium and Unemployment, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32(5), 2008, 1381-1398.
(with Achim Schniewind)

On the Coexistence of Banks and Markets, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 109(2), 2007, 225-243.
(with Harald Uhlig)

Do Risk Premia Protect from Banking Crises?, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 12, 2008, 100-111.
(with Jan Wenzelburger)

Information Content of Wages and Monetary Policy, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 39(1), 2007, 133-149.
(with Volker Hahn)

Debt Contracts and Collapse as Competition Phenomena, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 5(4), 2006, 556-574.
(with Harald Uhlig)

Signaling and Commitment: Monetary versus Inflation Targeting, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 10(5), 2006, 595-624.
(with Volker Hahn)

Structural Reforms and the Macroeconomy, in Robert M. Solow (ed.): Structural Reform and Macroeconomic Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Publications of General Interest

Banking on the average - a new way to regulate banks, The London Summit 2009,

Brief des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats beim Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie an Bundesminister Michael Glos vom 23. Januar 2009, Schlaglichter der Wirtschaftspolitik - Monatsbericht März 2009, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi), Berlin, 2009, 19-30.
(mit Martin Hellwig)

Brief des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats beim Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie an Bundesminister Michael Glos vom 10. Oktober 2008, Schlaglichter der Wirtschaftspolitik - Sonderausgabe Finanzkrise, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi), Berlin, 2008, 15-18.
(mit Martin Hellwig)

A New Way to Address Climate Change: A Global Refunding System, The Economists' Voice, 5(4), 2008, Article 2.

Anreize für Weitsicht und Wiederwahlschwellen: Wege zur besseren Demokratie, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 8(4), 2007, 389-397.

Ernsthaften Politikern sollten Verträge mit dem Volk gelegen kommen, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 196, 2007.

Economic Growth, Education and AIDS in Kenya, Development Outreach, 9(2), 2007, 16-19.

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