Vollprofessor - Prof. Dr. Christoph Hienerth

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group
Unternehmertum und Existenzgründung I
Identification and development of opportunities
Entrepreneurship in open and user innovation settings
Entrepreneurial risk and uncertainty
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Business ecosystems and new business models
Social Entrepreneurship
Ort / PLZ
56179 Vallendar
Burgplatz 2

Tätigkeit an Business Schools

  • WHU



1. Keinz, Peter; Hienerth, Christoph; Lettl, Christopher. 2012. Designing the Organization for User-driven Innovation. Journal of Organizational Design. Forthcoming.

2. Hienerth, Christoph; Lettl, Christopher. 2011. Exploring How Peer Communities Enable Lead User Innovations to Become Standard Equipment in the Industry: Community Pull Effects. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(1): 175-195.

3. Hienerth, Christoph ; Keinz, Peter ; Lettl, Christopher. 2011. Exploring the Nature and Implementation Process of User-Centric Business Models. Long Range Planning, 44 (5-6): 344-374.

4. Lettl, C., Hienerth, C., Gemuenden, H.G. 2008. Exploring how lead users develop radical innovation: Opportunity recognition and exploitation in the field of medical equipment technology. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 55(2): 219-233.

5. Doemoetoer, Rudolf, Franke, Nikolaus, and Hienerth, Christoph. 2007. What a Difference a DV makes. The Impact of Conceptualizing the Dependent Variable in Innovation Success Factor Studies. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB) (2): 23-46.

6. Baldwin, Carliss, Hienerth, Christoph, and von Hippel, Eric. 2006. How user innovations become commercial products: a theoretical investigation and case study. Research Policy. A Journal Devoted to Research Policy, Research Management and Planning 35 (9): 1291-1313.

7. Hienerth, Christoph, and Keßler, Alexander. 2006. Measuring Success in Family Businesses: The Concept of Configurational Fit. Family Business Review 19 (2): 115-134.

8. Franke, Nikolaus, and Hienerth, Christoph. 2006. Prädikatoren der Qualität von Geschäftsideen: Eine empirische Analyse eines Online-Ideen-Forums. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB) (4): 47-68.

9. Hienerth, Christoph. 2006. The commercialization of user innovations: the development of the rodeo kayak industry. R&D Management 36 (3): 273-294.

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