Veranstaltungen Detail

Mannheim Part-Time MBA - Open Day on Campus


We invite you to spend a day with us on campus to learn more about Mannheim Business School and our modular two-year part-time MBA program!

Mannheim Business School faculty and staff will provide you with more information on the unique characteristics of our school and the Mannheim MBA experience. You will also have the opportunity to ask alumni of the Mannheim Part-Time MBA program about their experiences.

  • 11:00 - Introduction to Mannheim Business School and the Mannheim Part-Time MBA Program (1hr)
  • 12:00 - Get Ready for the MBA! All program details and how to apply successfully. (1,5 hr)
  • 13.30 - Lunch Break (1hr)
  • 14.30 - Sample Lecture held by our Academic Director(1hr)
  • 15.30 - Q&A with MBA Alumni (1-1.5 hrs)
  • 17.00 - Networking & drinks
Please register here.

Find out more about the Mannheim Part-Time MBA here.


Mannheim Business School


Teilnehmende WiWi Partner

  • Mannheim Business School
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