
5 Treffer - Diese Studienprogramme entsprechen folgenden Suchkriterien:

  • Teilzeit Studium
  • ESCP Business School

ESCP Business School

Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership

The Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (Master of Science) is an experiential journey and intensive immersion into digital innovation and entrepreneurship to shape and drive the digital transformation currently taking place.


Executive MBA (EMBA)

This real-time transformational programme is the stepping stone you need to bridge the gap between your untapped potential and the world-class leader in you.


General Management Programme (GMP)

Das GMP vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen zu den Kerndisziplinen im Management. Es ist gleichzeitig der erste Schritt zum Executive MBA – Sie können später die weiteren Kurse absolvieren und sich so den karrierefördernden MBA Titel sichern – und das bei voller beruflicher Flexibilität.


Ph. D. Doctoral Programmes

The ESCP Business School Berlin Doctoral Programme is designed for post graduate students aiming to further develop their research abilities. ESCP Business School Berlin offers courses in different fields, for instance multicultural, qualitative, and quantitative research. This deepens their understanding of scientific methods, and is an excellent basis for an academic career. During the course of the programme students have the opportunity to spend at least six month on another one of the five ESCP Business School campuses.


Executive Education - Open Programmes

"Neue Kompetenzen und Impulse für Ihr Business durch gezielte und zeiteffektive Open Enrolment Programme."
