
7 Treffer - Diese Studienprogramme entsprechen folgenden Suchkriterien:

  • Teilzeit Studium
  • Mannheim Business School

Mannheim Business School


With its time structure, its contents, and its flexibility, the Mannheim Executive MBA is perfectly adapted to the individual needs of experienced professionals and executives. Within 18 months, participants - who have an average of more than twelve years of work experience after the completion of their first academic degree and who have top positions within a wide range of industries and functional areas – receive the final finish for their careers both professionally and personally. This is due to a holistic program concept, whose components are optimally tuned to one another.


Mannheim Master in Management Analytics & AI

Clearly, companies that are capable of effectively analyzing the increasing amount of data and drawing the right conclusions from it have a decisive competitive advantage and are able to create new value. For this, they require new ways of thinking, job profiles and skills. Companies require employees with specific methodological, technological and management expertise, which is where the Mannheim Master in Management Analytics & AI comes in.


Mannheim Master in Sustainability and Impact Management

Society at large is increasingly facing existential challenges such as the global climate crisis, a general scarcity of resources and severe biodiversity loss. Consequently, successfully managing sustainability, i.e., the company’s impact on people and planet, is not only becoming a core responsibility of firms but also a key success factor, enabling companies to gain competitive advantages.



The ESSEC & MANNHEIM Executive MBA program prepares executives for the challenges of international management by refining their communication, people management, leadership, and team-working skills. The curriculum compromises a diverse range of teaching methods, including, amongst others, individual work, international residencies, and conferences, enabling our participants to acquire an integrated and systematic perspective on European and international business.


Mannheim Part-Time MBA

The newly introduced Mannheim Part-Time MBA program is designed for high-achieving young professionals who wish to pursue a world-class MBA without leaving their jobs. The 24-month program provides participants with a minimum of 3 years of work experience with the skills and tools they need for positions in international top management. Participants benefit from our world-class faculty as well as from an international learning experience through residencies in Asia and North America.


Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation - Accounting Track

Der Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation - Accounting Track war 2008 einer der ersten § 8a-Studiengänge überhaupt und ist nach wie vor das einzige von einer Universität angebotene Programm, das seinen Absolventen den Weg in das verkürzte Berufsexamen ermöglicht. Das Studium schließt mit dem akademischen Grad des Master of Science (M.Sc.) ab.


Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation - Taxation Track

Seit Jahrzehnten ist die Universität Mannheim führende deutsche Ausbildungsstätte für den Steuerberater-Nachwuchs. Der Taxation Track setzt diese Tradition als berufsbegleitender Studiengang nach der Bologna-Reform konsequent fort. Er bietet eine einzigartige Spezialisierungsmöglichkeit auf dem Gebiet der Besteuerung und ist konsequent darauf ausgerichtet, seine Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer für eine erfolg-reiche und verantwortliche Tätigkeit in der Steuerberatung auszubilden.
