
10 Treffer - Diese Studienprogramme entsprechen folgenden Suchkriterien:

  • Finance

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Master in Management | Finance (full-time)

Combine corporate finance expertise with profound management skills by joining HHL’s Master in Finance. We take you beyond standard thinking of short-run financial performance and company value maximization. Instead, we strengthen your abilities to critically reflect and to arrive at well-informed business decisions. Providing our students with competencies of sustainable impact is at HHL‘s heart of mind.


Master in Management | Finance (part-time)

Do you want to bolster your management and finance skills in order to take your career prospects to new heights while staying on the job? Our part-time Master in Finance and Management program combines academic excellence with key insights on practical challenges. We prepare you for senior and executive roles by boosting your skills in strategic and financial decision-making.


MBA Program | Finance (full-time)

Personal and professional development comes with new input. Our MBA in Finance Program will give you the opportunity to level up your skills and accelerate your career. Change your industry and become a future leader by making the next step in our program.


Distance and Independent Studies Center (DISC) der RPTU

Applied Financial Mathematics, Zertifikat

In-depth knowledge of concepts and methods from financial mathematics and actuarial science, and the ability to apply these statistically and numerically, are becoming increasingly important in the financial and insurance sectors.


Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Management & Sustainable Accounting and Finance

Das Masterprogramm Management & Sustainable Accounting and Finance ist insbesondere für diejenigen perfekt zugeschnitten, die sich für moderne Betriebswirtschaftslehre sowie für die Diskussion analytischer Managementprozesse auch unter der Berücksichtigung von Sozial- und Umweltaspekten interessieren, haben.


ESMT Berlin

Finanzen für Executives - Executive Education

Dieses Seminar hilft erfahrenen Führungskräften ohne Finanzhintergrund, den Zusammenhang zwischen Managemententscheidungen und finanzieller Performance des Unternehmens besser zu verstehen und erfolgreich im beruflichen Alltag anzuwenden.


Finance for Executives - Executive Education

Finance for Executives is a hands-on program designed to boost your financial literacy. It aims to develop your ability to move beyond buzzwords and financial jargon, understand the bigger picture and make more effective financial decisions.


Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Master of Banking and Capital Markets Law

Der Master of Banking and Capital Markets Law (LLM) vermittelt umfassendes Wissen über die juristischen und ökonomisch-theoretischen Grundlagen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Unternehmensfinanzierungen und ihre aufsichtsrechtlichen Behandlung. Er versetzt Sie in die Lage, komplexe Transaktionen zu analysieren und Lösungskonzepte mit interdisziplinärem Ansatz zu entwickeln: Damit Sie Kapitalgeber oder Unternehmen sowie Investoren fachlich auf höchstem Niveau beraten.


Master of Finance

Our Master of Finance concentrations are designed to provide specialised knowledge and skills focused on specific areas of capital markets, corporate finance, risk management and financial advisory. In addition, through these concentrations and company projects you have an opportunity to visit established corporations and start-ups.


TUM School of Management

Master in Finance & Information Management at the Munich Campus

This master´s program offers you the chance to study the unique combination of finance and information management, which enables you to develop your own ideas and connects you with businesses, non-profit organizations, and start-up capital.
