HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Contact person
Dipl.-Kauffr. Jana Vogel
Marketing and Student Recruitment
Dipl.-Kauffr. Jana Vogel
Marketing and Student Recruitment
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Jahnallee 59
04109 Leipzig
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Jahnallee 59
04109 Leipzig
HHL is a university-level institution and ranks amongst the leading international business schools. The goal of the oldest business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate entrepreneurial, responsible and effective business leaders. HHL stands out for its excellent teaching, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services. Study programs include Master in Management programs (General Management, Finance), a Master in Entrepreneurship program as well as MBA programs (General Management, Finance). All programs can be completed full-time or mostly also part-time. HHL also runs a Doctoral Program. The HHL Executive Education offers state-of-the-art management seminars for executive talents. Besides its main campus in Leipzig, the university maintains study locations in Cologne and Munich. HHL is accredited by AACSB International and ACQUIN.
Study programs
It includes coursework in the form of lectures and seminars, independent research and participation in doctoral forums, research colloquia, Summer School and conferences.
HHL also contributes to the qualification and advancement of upcoming company executives with her subsidiary HHL Executive gGmbH. HHL Executive realizes company-specific and tailor-made training programs for middle and upper executives who have at least three years of work experience.
The Master in Entrepreneurship is a program designed to foster innovative ideas and creative thinking while conveying important business essentials to translate your vision into reality. Benefit from an inspiring entrepreneurial ecosystem covering incubation, acceleration and venturing phase at HHL DIGITIAL SPACE – the digital transformation platform and SpinLab – the HHL Accelerator. One of the biggest research groups on entrepreneurship and a priceless network of founders, VCs and investors is at hand to kick-start your own business.
Combine corporate finance expertise with profound management skills by joining HHL’s Master in Finance. We take you beyond standard thinking of short-run financial performance and company value maximization. Instead, we strengthen your abilities to critically reflect and to arrive at well-informed business decisions. Providing our students with competencies of sustainable impact is at HHL‘s heart of mind.
Do you want to bolster your management and finance skills in order to take your career prospects to new heights while staying on the job? Our part-time Master in Finance and Management program combines academic excellence with key insights on practical challenges. We prepare you for senior and executive roles by boosting your skills in strategic and financial decision-making.
The Master of Science at HHL was launched in September 2008. With a duration of 21-24 months, scheduled in six terms, excellent learning and working conditions will prepare about 40 participants for an international career in business. Join the Master of Science at HHL and break new grounds on your path to success!
The part-time Master in Management Program (M.Sc.) addresses Bachelor graduates with a background in business studies who would like to boost their careers with an M.Sc. from one of the leading business schools in Germany.
Personal and professional development comes with new input. Our MBA in Finance Program will give you the opportunity to level up your skills and accelerate your career. Change your industry and become a future leader by making the next step in our program.
The MBA in International Management (full-time) at HHL is a graduate degree program taught entirely in English and is especially designed for talented and ambitious individuals seeking managerial positions with multinational corporations. Students admitted into this program are required to have completed a college or university degree.
With its MBA in General Management (part-time) HHL is one of the first Business Schools in Germany offering this unique education opportunity to employed managers. It allows to combine your job with the idea of life-long learning and a degree of distinction.
The Master in Entrepreneurship is a program designed to foster innovative ideas and creative thinking while conveying important business essentials to translate your vision into reality. Benefit from an inspiring entrepreneurial ecosystem covering incubation, acceleration and venturing phase at HHL DIGITIAL SPACE – the digital transformation platform and SpinLab – the HHL Accelerator. One of the biggest research groups on entrepreneurship and a priceless network of founders, VCs and investors is at hand to kick-start your own business.
Combine corporate finance expertise with profound management skills by joining HHL’s Master in Finance. We take you beyond standard thinking of short-run financial performance and company value maximization. Instead, we strengthen your abilities to critically reflect and to arrive at well-informed business decisions. Providing our students with competencies of sustainable impact is at HHL‘s heart of mind.
Do you want to bolster your management and finance skills in order to take your career prospects to new heights while staying on the job? Our part-time Master in Finance and Management program combines academic excellence with key insights on practical challenges. We prepare you for senior and executive roles by boosting your skills in strategic and financial decision-making.
Personal and professional development comes with new input. Our MBA in Finance Program will give you the opportunity to level up your skills and accelerate your career. Change your industry and become a future leader by making the next step in our program.
Combine corporate finance expertise with profound management skills by joining HHL’s Master in Finance. We take you beyond standard thinking of short-run financial performance and company value maximization. Instead, we strengthen your abilities to critically reflect and to arrive at well-informed business decisions. Providing our students with competencies of sustainable impact is at HHL‘s heart of mind.
Do you want to bolster your management and finance skills in order to take your career prospects to new heights while staying on the job? Our part-time Master in Finance and Management program combines academic excellence with key insights on practical challenges. We prepare you for senior and executive roles by boosting your skills in strategic and financial decision-making.
The Master of Science at HHL was launched in September 2008. With a duration of 21-24 months, scheduled in six terms, excellent learning and working conditions will prepare about 40 participants for an international career in business. Join the Master of Science at HHL and break new grounds on your path to success!
The part-time Master in Management Program (M.Sc.) addresses Bachelor graduates with a background in business studies who would like to boost their careers with an M.Sc. from one of the leading business schools in Germany.
Personal and professional development comes with new input. Our MBA in Finance Program will give you the opportunity to level up your skills and accelerate your career. Change your industry and become a future leader by making the next step in our program.
The MBA in International Management (full-time) at HHL is a graduate degree program taught entirely in English and is especially designed for talented and ambitious individuals seeking managerial positions with multinational corporations. Students admitted into this program are required to have completed a college or university degree.
With its MBA in General Management (part-time) HHL is one of the first Business Schools in Germany offering this unique education opportunity to employed managers. It allows to combine your job with the idea of life-long learning and a degree of distinction.
It includes coursework in the form of lectures and seminars, independent research and participation in doctoral forums, research colloquia, Summer School and conferences.
HHL also contributes to the qualification and advancement of upcoming company executives with her subsidiary HHL Executive gGmbH. HHL Executive realizes company-specific and tailor-made training programs for middle and upper executives who have at least three years of work experience.
The Master in Entrepreneurship is a program designed to foster innovative ideas and creative thinking while conveying important business essentials to translate your vision into reality. Benefit from an inspiring entrepreneurial ecosystem covering incubation, acceleration and venturing phase at HHL DIGITIAL SPACE – the digital transformation platform and SpinLab – the HHL Accelerator. One of the biggest research groups on entrepreneurship and a priceless network of founders, VCs and investors is at hand to kick-start your own business.
Combine corporate finance expertise with profound management skills by joining HHL’s Master in Finance. We take you beyond standard thinking of short-run financial performance and company value maximization. Instead, we strengthen your abilities to critically reflect and to arrive at well-informed business decisions. Providing our students with competencies of sustainable impact is at HHL‘s heart of mind.
Do you want to bolster your management and finance skills in order to take your career prospects to new heights while staying on the job? Our part-time Master in Finance and Management program combines academic excellence with key insights on practical challenges. We prepare you for senior and executive roles by boosting your skills in strategic and financial decision-making.
The Master of Science at HHL was launched in September 2008. With a duration of 21-24 months, scheduled in six terms, excellent learning and working conditions will prepare about 40 participants for an international career in business. Join the Master of Science at HHL and break new grounds on your path to success!
The part-time Master in Management Program (M.Sc.) addresses Bachelor graduates with a background in business studies who would like to boost their careers with an M.Sc. from one of the leading business schools in Germany.
Personal and professional development comes with new input. Our MBA in Finance Program will give you the opportunity to level up your skills and accelerate your career. Change your industry and become a future leader by making the next step in our program.
The MBA in International Management (full-time) at HHL is a graduate degree program taught entirely in English and is especially designed for talented and ambitious individuals seeking managerial positions with multinational corporations. Students admitted into this program are required to have completed a college or university degree.
With its MBA in General Management (part-time) HHL is one of the first Business Schools in Germany offering this unique education opportunity to employed managers. It allows to combine your job with the idea of life-long learning and a degree of distinction.
Requirements / Application
Suitability and language tests
Aptitude test
Financial Aid
Academic Staff
- Accounting and Auditing: Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch
- Corporate Responsibility and Governance: Prof. Sushil Khanna, Ph.D.
- Economics and Information Systems: Prof. Pierfrancesco La Mura, Ph.D.
- Economic and Business Ethics: Prof. Dr. Andreas Suchanek
- Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Vivek Velamuri
- Financial Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler
- Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart
- International Management: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Dauth
- IT-based Logistics: Prof. Dr. Iris Hausladen
- Law of Economic Regulation: Prof. Dr. iur. Liv Jaeckel
- M&A of Small- and Midsized Entities: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann
- Marketing: Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg
- Macroeconomics: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Althammer
- Microeconomics: Prof. Dr. Arnis Vilks
- Retail Management: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Erik Maier
- Strategic Management and Digital Entrepreneurship: Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner
- Digital Innovation in Service Industries: Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann
- Business Psychology and Leadership: Prof. Dr. Timo Meynhardt
Recruiters Guide
In a recent Financial Times Master in Management Ranking, the HHL Career Development Team was ranked 11th worldwide! This is no coincidence, as the experienced psychologists and career experts at HHL have long perfected the mix between 1-to-1 coaching, personality tests, workshops and other tools. They help you discover what unique skills and strengths set you apart. Together, you will tailor a personal career plan to significantly increase your prospects and reach your career goals successfully and rapidly.
The HHLCareer Development Team will be at your side throughout your job search and will:
- check your CV
- prepare you for interviews, recruiting processes and salary negotiations
- put you in touch with alumni in the business sector you aspire to enter
- strengthen your capacities
- share effective methods to make the job market work for you
- provide access to job postings and exclusive recruiting events on campus with leading companies.
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