Wichtige Informationen zu ASFOR.

ASFOR steht für Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale und wurde 1971 als der italienische Verband für Management-Entwicklung gegründet. Der Verein hat über 70 aktive Mitglieder, darunter Universitäten, Schools of Management und andere Institutionen. Alle Mitglieder müssen dem "ASFOR Members' Code of Ethics" zustimmen. Im Juni 2010 präsentierte ASFOR das "Manifest ASFOR 2010: Management-Ausbildung als strategisches Instrument für die italienische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit".
ASFOR stands for Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale and was established in 1971 as the Italian Association for Management Development, with the aim of Developing management cultures in Italy and of management education solutions by Improving Constantly Adapting Them to demand trends. The Association has over 70 active members, Including Universities Schools of Management, Corporate Management Education Universities and other Institutions. All members have to subscribe the "ASFOR Members' Code of Ethics". In June 2010 ASFOR presented the "Manifesto ASFOR 2010: Management education as a strategic tool for Italian Competitiveness". Additions to ITS in well-developed networks with Institutions and Organizations from the world of management education in Italy, ASFOR is part of international networks with universities and education Institutes.