Wichtige Informationen zu PRME.
WebseiteDie Initiative Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), welche im Jahr 2007 gegründet wurde, ist die größte organisierte Beziehung zwischen den Vereinten Nationen und Business Schools. Daher ist das PRME Sekretariat im UN Global Compact Office beheimatet.
Ziel der PRME ist es, Lehre, Forschung und Leitgedanken im Bereich Management global durch die Principles for Responsible Management Education-Rahmenvereinbarung zu prägen, Lerngemeinschaften zu bilden und Bewusstsein für die Nachhaltigkeitsentwicklungen der Vereinten Nationen zu schaffen.
Die Initiative PRME dient als Grundsatz für stetige, systematische Veränderungen in Business Schools und anderen managementbezogenen Institutionen. Dabei gelten drei Grundsätze: stetige Verbesserung, ein lernendes Netzwerk und ständiges Feedback für Interessevertreter.
PRME wird von einem Komitee geleitet, welches zusammengesetzt ist aus Vertretern verschiedener Business School Akkreditierungsorganisationen sowie spezialisierten und regionalen Gesellschaften.
Ziel der PRME ist es, Lehre, Forschung und Leitgedanken im Bereich Management global durch die Principles for Responsible Management Education-Rahmenvereinbarung zu prägen, Lerngemeinschaften zu bilden und Bewusstsein für die Nachhaltigkeitsentwicklungen der Vereinten Nationen zu schaffen.
Die Initiative PRME dient als Grundsatz für stetige, systematische Veränderungen in Business Schools und anderen managementbezogenen Institutionen. Dabei gelten drei Grundsätze: stetige Verbesserung, ein lernendes Netzwerk und ständiges Feedback für Interessevertreter.
PRME wird von einem Komitee geleitet, welches zusammengesetzt ist aus Vertretern verschiedener Business School Akkreditierungsorganisationen sowie spezialisierten und regionalen Gesellschaften.
The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative, launched in 2007, is the largest organised relationship between the United Nations and business schools, with the PRME Secretariat housed in the UN Global Compact Office.
The mission of PRME is to transform management education, research and thought leadership globally by providing the Principles for Responsible Management Education framework, developing learning communities and promoting awareness about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
The Six Principles of PRME are inspired by internationally accepted values, such as the United Nations Global Compact's Ten Principles, and provide an engagement structure for academic institutions to advance social responsibility through incorporating universal values into curricula and research. They seek to establish a process of continuous improvement among institutions of management education in order to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges faced by business and society in the 21st century.
The PRME initiative serves as a framework for gradual, systemic change in business schools and management-related institutions, based on three distinctive characteristics of the initiative: continuing improvement, a learning network, and reporting progress to stakeholders. Reporting on progress by participant institutions to stakeholders through Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) reports is an essential part of the active commitment to PRME. SIP reporting provides information on progress achieved in the implementation of PRME, an opportunity for exchanging effective practices, and creates a learning community with other participating institutions.
PRME is governed, along with the United Nations Global Compact, by a Steering Committee comprised of the main business school accreditation bodies, and specialised and regional associations.
The mission of PRME is to transform management education, research and thought leadership globally by providing the Principles for Responsible Management Education framework, developing learning communities and promoting awareness about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
The Six Principles of PRME are inspired by internationally accepted values, such as the United Nations Global Compact's Ten Principles, and provide an engagement structure for academic institutions to advance social responsibility through incorporating universal values into curricula and research. They seek to establish a process of continuous improvement among institutions of management education in order to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges faced by business and society in the 21st century.
The PRME initiative serves as a framework for gradual, systemic change in business schools and management-related institutions, based on three distinctive characteristics of the initiative: continuing improvement, a learning network, and reporting progress to stakeholders. Reporting on progress by participant institutions to stakeholders through Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) reports is an essential part of the active commitment to PRME. SIP reporting provides information on progress achieved in the implementation of PRME, an opportunity for exchanging effective practices, and creates a learning community with other participating institutions.
PRME is governed, along with the United Nations Global Compact, by a Steering Committee comprised of the main business school accreditation bodies, and specialised and regional associations.
PRME akkreditierte Business Schools
Die Danube Business School (DBS) strebt eine europaweit führende Rolle im Bereich der Management Weiterbildung/Executive Education an und setzt mit ihren State of the Art Curricula die Standards für relevante, auf die Lernbedürfnissen des 21. Jahrhunderts ausgerichtete Management-Programme.