Wichtige Informationen zu IACBE.
WebseiteDer IABCE (International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education) wurde im Jahr 1997 gegründet. Der IABCE was die Antwort auf ein immer größer werdendes Bedürfnis der Präsidenten, CEOs, CAOs und Dekane, Direktoren und Abteilungsleiter verschiedener Business Schools, die sich ein Akkreditierungssystem wünschten, welches nicht nur anhand präskriptiver Maßstabe maß. Viele Business Schools innerhalb und außerhalb der USA hatten zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine Akkreditierung erhalten und konnten aufgrund der gängigen Maßstäbe auch keine Akkreditierung erhalten. Seither ist der IACBE stetig gewachsen und ist heute der der weltweite Anführer in Akkreditierungen von inspirierter und zielorientierter Bildung im Bereich Business und Management an Colleges, Universitäten und anderen Bildungseinrichtungen.
Sein primäres Bestreben ist Exzellenz in Lehre und Lernen zu etablieren. Die Philosophie des IACBE besagt, dass akademische Qualität und Exzellenz anhand von Lehrerfolgen einer akademischen Lehreinheit gemessen werden sollte und nicht anhand von vorgeschriebenen Standards, die sich auf akademische Ressourcen beziehen. Dieser Schwerpunkt ist fundamental wichtig für den gesamten Akkreditierungsprozess sowie die Qualitätssicherung des IACBE. Hunderte Institutionen und Campusse weltweit sind Mitglied des IACBE und mehr als 1.300 wirtschafswissenschaftliche Studiengänge in den USA, Europa, Asien, Zentralamerika, Südamerika und im Mittleren Osten wurden durch den IACBE akkreditiert.
Sein primäres Bestreben ist Exzellenz in Lehre und Lernen zu etablieren. Die Philosophie des IACBE besagt, dass akademische Qualität und Exzellenz anhand von Lehrerfolgen einer akademischen Lehreinheit gemessen werden sollte und nicht anhand von vorgeschriebenen Standards, die sich auf akademische Ressourcen beziehen. Dieser Schwerpunkt ist fundamental wichtig für den gesamten Akkreditierungsprozess sowie die Qualitätssicherung des IACBE. Hunderte Institutionen und Campusse weltweit sind Mitglied des IACBE und mehr als 1.300 wirtschafswissenschaftliche Studiengänge in den USA, Europa, Asien, Zentralamerika, Südamerika und im Mittleren Osten wurden durch den IACBE akkreditiert.
The IACBE is the global leader in mission-driven and outcomes-based programmatic accreditation for business and management education in colleges, universities, and other higher education institutions throughout the world. Its primary purpose is excellence in teaching and learning.
The IACBE philosophy is that academic quality and excellence in business education should be measured in terms of the educational outcomes of an academic business unit relative to its mission rather than by prescriptive standards relating to academic resources. This emphasis on mission-related outcomes is fundamental to the entire quality assurance and accreditation process of the IACBE.
The International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) was founded in 1997 in response to the expressed needs of presidents, chief executive officers, chief academic officers, and business deans, chairs, directors, and heads-of-departments who wanted an accreditation process that was not driven by prescriptive standards relating to inputs and resources, but was mission-driven and outcomes-based. At that time, the majority of the four-year colleges and universities in the United States that offered degrees in business were not recognized, and could not become recognized, by the existing business accrediting bodies. Similarly, hundreds of institutions of higher education located outside of the United States were unable to obtain specialized accreditation for their business programs. Since that time, the IACBE has grown into the leading outcomes-based professional accreditation agency for business and management education in colleges and universities.
The IACBE has hundreds of member institutions and campuses worldwide, and has accredited over 1,300 business and business-related programs in the United States, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Central America, and South America.
Scope of Accreditation
The IACBE accredits business programs that lead to degrees at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels in institutions of higher education worldwide that grant bachelor’s and/or graduate degrees.
The IACBE does not accredit business programs of institutions of higher education that offer only associate degrees in business.
Functions of the IACBE
In advancing its goals, the IACBE:
The IACBE philosophy is that academic quality and excellence in business education should be measured in terms of the educational outcomes of an academic business unit relative to its mission rather than by prescriptive standards relating to academic resources. This emphasis on mission-related outcomes is fundamental to the entire quality assurance and accreditation process of the IACBE.
The International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) was founded in 1997 in response to the expressed needs of presidents, chief executive officers, chief academic officers, and business deans, chairs, directors, and heads-of-departments who wanted an accreditation process that was not driven by prescriptive standards relating to inputs and resources, but was mission-driven and outcomes-based. At that time, the majority of the four-year colleges and universities in the United States that offered degrees in business were not recognized, and could not become recognized, by the existing business accrediting bodies. Similarly, hundreds of institutions of higher education located outside of the United States were unable to obtain specialized accreditation for their business programs. Since that time, the IACBE has grown into the leading outcomes-based professional accreditation agency for business and management education in colleges and universities.
The IACBE has hundreds of member institutions and campuses worldwide, and has accredited over 1,300 business and business-related programs in the United States, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Central America, and South America.
Scope of Accreditation
The IACBE accredits business programs that lead to degrees at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels in institutions of higher education worldwide that grant bachelor’s and/or graduate degrees.
The IACBE does not accredit business programs of institutions of higher education that offer only associate degrees in business.
Functions of the IACBE
In advancing its goals, the IACBE:
- recognizes high-quality business education by granting specialized programmatic accreditation;
- develops and promulgates sound educational principles and practices for the accreditation of business programs;
- maintains regional and international centers to represent the Assembly and its members worldwide;
- collects and disseminates information about business education throughout the world;supports worthy projects and research in business education;
- sponsors meetings, conferences, workshops, and symposia that foster excellence in business education;
- engages in activities that enhance and promote the study of collegiate business education and that apprise the public of its value, scope, and character.