Business Management

23 Treffer - Diese Studienprogramme entsprechen folgenden Suchkriterien:

  • Business Management

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin/ Berlin Professional School

Master Business Management – Green Energy and Climate Finance

Der Master of Science in Business Management qualifiziert Sie für Führungspositionen in internationalen Unternehmen und Organisationen. Sie werden sich auf Projektmanagement und Anwendungen konzentrieren und sowohl strategische als auch operative Fähigkeiten erwerben. Es ist der erste Fernstudiengang weltweit, der die Möglichkeit bietet, einen renommierten Master of Science in Business Management (M.Sc.) mit dem Schwerpunkt Green Energy and Climate Finance zu erwerben.


Master Sicherheitsmanagement

- Fernstudium (4 Semester)
- international anerkannter Masterabschluss
- zielgerichtete Vorbereitung auf Führungsaufgaben in allen sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen - in privaten und öffentlichen Unternehmen bzw. Institutionen
- an der Schnittstelle von Kriminologie, Rechtswissenschaften, Psychologie und Politologie
- Themenschwerpunkte: Risiko- und Krisenmanagement, Führung nach Innen und Außen, Sicherheitsplanungen und Sicherheitskonzepte
- Studienbeginn im Oktober


Berlin MBA (berufsbegleitend oder Vollzeit)

- General Management MBA mit Fokus auf Leadership Skills
- vielfältige Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten
- in Vollzeit (Full-Time) oder berufsbegleitend (Part-Time) studierbar
- Unterrichtssprache Englisch
- individuelle Karriereberatung
- internationales Kooperationsnetzwerk
- international von der AMBA akkreditiert
- mehr als 29 Jahre Erfahrung in der MBA-Ausbildung
- bereits über 1.600 MBA-Absolvent/innen


Master International Business Management

- International anerkannter Abschluss: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
- 15-monatiges Vollzeitprogramm in englischer Sprache
- Wahlschwerpunkte: International Management (inkl. eines Study Visits an die Kingston Business School in London), Digital Business Management & Leadership (inkl. einer "Digital Business Safari" zu den digitalen Hotspots in Berlin)
- Möglichkeit ein Semester an einer der Partnerhochschulen in Indien oder Großbritannien zu studieren
- Studienbeginn im September


Master General Management - dual

- zweijähriger berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang mit geblockten Präsenzphasen
- Fokus auf branchen- und funktionsübergreifende Führungskompetenzen
- integrierte Praxisprojekte mit kooperierenden Unternehmen
- Studienbeginn im Oktober


Master Nachhaltigkeits- und Qualitätsmanagement

- zweijähriger berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang
- Fokus auf nachhaltigkeits- und qualitätsorientierte Unternehmensführung sowie -beratung
- integrierte Lehrgänge zum anerkannten Qualitätsbeauftragten, Qualitätsmanager und Ressourceneffizienzmanager
- Studienbeginn im Oktober


Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

MBA Digital Transformation Management

Um Unternehmen und Organisationen der verschiedenen Branchen und Größen fit für die Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels zu machen, müssen sie mit entsprechendem Fachwissen verändert werden. Der berufsbegleitende MBA vermittelt Fach- und Führungskräften in 3 Semestern dieses Fachwissen, damit sie ihre Organisationen im digitalen Wandel erfolgreich managen können. Dazu werden aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse aus den Bereichen Wirtschaftsinformatik und –wissenschaften vermittelt und mit Praxiselementen verknüpft. Lehrveranstaltungen finden weitestgehend digital in den Abendstunden oder am Wochenende statt und werden durch eine Präsenzveranstaltung pro Semester ergänzt.


Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices

Master of Arts in Business & Organizational Psychology

The MA in Business and Organizational Psychology at Steinbeis University offers a blend of psychological expertise and business acumen, preparing students to navigate the evolving challenges in today's work environment. This program equips graduates with the skills to effectively apply commercial, organizational, and psychological knowledge at the intersection of human behavior and the economic sphere.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in Business & Organizational Psychology (Online)

This MSC in Business & Organizational Psychology develops skills in diagnostics, organizational consulting, change management, and leadership. It's suited for HR, coaches, and organization developers, focusing on leadership enhancement, critical thinking, and boosting team morale for increased productivity.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in Digital Innovation & Business Transformation

In today’s digital era, effective content delivery across all channels is essential. Steinbeis University - Schools of Next Practices’ Digital
Marketing degree equips you to harness digital channels professionally, transforming your company’s offerings into future success stories.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in Management & Innovation

Navigate the ever-changing business landscape with Steinbeis University's Master of Science in Business Management, specializing in
Management & Innovation. This program teaches you to drive innovation and stay competitive in a dynamic market, setting new standards and developing effective growth strategies.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in Digital Marketing

strategies, enhance campaign efficiency, and transform your company into a customer-centric hub in the digital realm.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in Sustainable Management (Online)

The Sustainable Management specialization at Steinbeis University equips you with strategies for integrating sustainability into business operations. This Master’s program emphasizes long-term viability through environmental, social, and governance practices. It prepares you to lead sustainable transformations in business or launch sustainable ventures, focusing on legal and operational aspects of sustainability.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in HR & Change Management (Online)

Steinbeis University's HR & Change Management Master’s program focuses on key HR strategies and change management. It combines business management fundamentals with HR expertise, preparing you to lead organizational strategy and adapt to change. The program is tailored for those aspiring to pivotal roles in modern business environments.


M.Sc. Business & Organizational Psychology (online)

This MSC in Business & Organizational Psychology develops skills in diagnostics, organizational consulting, change management, and leadership. It's suited for HR, coaches, and organization developers, focusing on leadership enhancement, critical thinking, and boosting team morale for increased productivity.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in Digital Marketing (Online)

Master the art of digital storytelling with Steinbeis University's Digital Marketing specialization. Learn to execute smart, data-driven marketing strategies, enhance campaign efficiency, and transform your company into a customer-centric hub in the digital realm.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in Management & Innovation (Online)

Navigate the ever-changing business landscape with Steinbeis University's Master of Science in Business Management, specializing in Management & Innovation. This program teaches you to drive innovation and stay competitive in a dynamic market, setting new standards and developing effective growth strategies.


M.Sc. Digital Innovation & Business Management (online)

Digital innovation and business transformation are intertwined, enhancing process efficiency and company operations. Steinbeis University's foundation course at the Schools of Next Practices teaches you to integrate digital technology into business strategies, fostering a data-driven culture. Specialize in Digital Innovation & Business Transformation to save time and money while streamlining your organization.


Master of Science Business Management Specializing in Digital Innovation & Business Transformation (Online)

In today’s digital era, effective content delivery across all channels is essential. Steinbeis University - Schools of Next Practices’ Digital Marketing degree equips you to harness digital channels professionally, transforming your company’s offerings into future success stories.


ESMT Berlin

Executive MBA

The ESMT Executive MBA can help you realize your fullest potential – and drive your career to the next level. At ESMT, we realize that both intellectual and behavioral qualities affect your prospects for success. The EMBA curriculum integrates academic training with an Individual Leadership Development Itinerary, peer-to-peer and individual coaching, applied and evidence-based learning. All combine to give high-potential executives the knowledge and experience necessary to grow an organization with the sensitivity needed to manage and develop people effectively.


Full-time MBA

The ESMT Berlin MBA is a great way to accelerate or switch your career. Choice is at the heart of the MBA with multiple opportunities to tailor the program to meet your needs. In an intense 15 months, you will gain the skills and experience necessary to change your future in Europe or beyond.


Global Online MBA

The ESMT Berlin Global Online MBA is designed to teach you everything that a modern decision-maker needs to be a successful leader. Technology and innovation are at the core of this highly flexible program that leads to a globally-recognized, triple-accredited ESMT Berlin MBA.


Part-time MBA

The ESMT Berlin Part-time MBA in Business Innovation is an ideal way to continue working full-time while gaining the knowledge and competencies to support not only your personal development but also the growth and transformation of your company.

The program targets individuals with a minimum of three years’ professional experience who wish to be effective change agents in their organization. Whether you are part of a mature corporation needing to stimulate disruptive innovation or a startup looking to scale up, this program could be the next step in your career.
